Marriage Matching A Better Way Of Finding A Loving Marriage Partner

Marriage Matching
5 min readApr 25, 2020


Marriage Matching specializes in helping those who want to find a marriage partner, to suitable, well matched potential marriage partners.

As a marriage agency, Marriage Matching works with people seeking marriage partners worldwide. With a specialization in introducing foreigners to Japanese marriage partners, and conversely, introducing Japanese people to international marriage partners.

Marriage Matching Based In Osaka Japan

Marriage Matching is ideally placed when it comes to international marriage introductions.

With our office located in Osaka, Japan, and staffed by both native Japanese and native English speakers, we can easily communicate and interact with those who are seeking marriage worldwide.

While some international clients, and those far from Osaka within Japan, do choose to come and visit our office at Marriage Matching. Most of our clients communicate with us via video call, allowing distance and travel to become non-issues.

At Marriage Matching we do our utmost so that you enjoy a smooth experience while seeking your ideal life partner. At Marriage Matching we really do make it easy for you to find a marriage partner, wherever you are living in the world.

Marriage Matching Using Modernised Life Partner Matching Processes With Origins in 16th Century Japan

Marriage Matching uses Omiai principles when matching people with potential marriage partners.

These Omiai principles date back to 16th century Japan, in the Tokugawa period. Trust has always been important in Japan. Understanding of who people are, where they come from, and their character rarely being taken on face value. As such, meeting people, dating, then getting married have long been challenges.

Through its creation, Omiai helped people overcome issues with finding a marriage partner.

When Omiai came into existence family members, friends, and other trusted third parties would arrange introductions to potential marriage partners. Over time this evolved into marriage agencies undertaking matching activities. With Japanese marriage agencies doing the bulk as time moved on, largely due to migration patterns within Japan.

Marriage Matching uses those Omiai principles for clients seriously seeking marriage worldwide now.

Every marriage matching consultation involves a great deal of time spent creating deep understand of what people are looking for in a marriage partner. Everyone has their own set of things they desire within their partner. Often there are certain habits, key personality traits, plus perceptions in terms of other compatibility factors. At Marriage Matching those factors are used in creation of a matching profile.

Having created a marriage matching profile, we then carefully search for suitable marriage partners. Ensuring that our clients only ever connect with potential marriage partners who really do match what they are looking for within a marriage partner.

Marriage Matching Bringing Couples Together For Long-Term Happy Marriage

Having spent carefully considered time using marriage matching profiles, going through potential matches, naturally there comes time for people to meet. At Marriage Matching we organise those first meetings, then introduce people in-person.

After those initial dates Marriage Matching staff keep in careful contact with people, ensuring that relationships are developing smoothly. Helping people overcome any issues of miscommunication, clearing away cultural differences that result in issues. The Marriage Matching service is a very in-depth service for those seriously seeking marriage. We are with our members every step of the way, doing our best to ensure that they’re creating best opportunity for long lasting, loving, happy marriage.

Part of our marriage matching service includes us helping members with dating advice, coaching members so that they can build relationships effectively.

For many going through dating without help from Marriage Matching, dating brings all manner of issues. Miscommunication, or misunderstandings from communication, are common. Often people struggle to get the information they desire from people they are dating too, which can lead to months of dating before reality is understood.

For people getting help from Marriage Matching, things have far greater clarity.

Marriage Matching is there for them, helping develop understanding, communicating between them, so that things flow smoothly while they’re dating. Enabling faster knowledge of whether as potential marriage partners they’re right for each other.

Because of this, couples connecting with help from Marriage Matching often know within very short periods whether their relationship will yield a long-term, loving, happy marriage.

Marriage Agency Matching Services To Find A Marriage Partner With Marriage Matching

As a marriage agency Marriage Matching has very distinct values which are checked for when meeting potential clients. Be believe that respect and honour are vital for creating a long-term loving happy marriage.

Accordingly we are very careful with background checks when registering members for our marriage matching service.

Anyone seeking casual dating is never permitted registration. Only those who are truly seriously committed to getting married may register. And then only after strict checks have been completed. Once those checks have been successfully completed, Marriage Matching begins searching and matching using our special Omiai processes, with our marriage agency clients generally finding a suitable marriage partner within three to five months of their registration. From which they then being life long happy marriage with their life partner.

Marriage Matching Creating Happy Marriage That Lasts For Life

Marriage Matching has one purpose as a marriage agency, helping people find a marriage partner so they can enjoy life long happy marriage.

That purpose runs core through everything we do at Marriage Matching.

Through every action we take, every moment of matching activity using our Omiai processes. Constantly we’re thinking carefully, will this enable our client to create a life long happy marriage. So every match we make, every couple we introduce, is all founded on that expectation of a long happy marriage together.

For people who seriously wish to find a marriage partner, marriage agency services from Marriage Matching make an incredible difference. Helping them connect with like-minded souls who are ready and seeking a match for marriage themselves. Marriage Matching makes dating to marriage easy, because of that. With everyone knowing from the beginning that those they meet with have been through our marriage matching process and verified as wanting marriage.

Marriage Matching keenly enjoys bringing those types of people who seriously want to find a marriage partner, and create a life long loving happy marriage.



Marriage Matching

Marriage Matching a Japanese Marriage Agency that unites people seriously wanting to find a marriage partner for a loving happy marriage, MarriageMatching.Love.