The beauty of loving someone in silence ෆ

2 min read1 day ago
Monster (2023)

Is it wonderful to genuinely love someone?

Others must enjoying their relationship with their boyfriend or girlfriend, but not me. Sometimes I think that I don’t belong in this generation, where they are happily committed to someone that I can’t afford. I don’t believe in these things, so I always find this cringe and corny, not until... this guy came into my life.

I suddenly felt that feeling of being in love with someone. Unexplained feeling. But, everything became worse when I started to write a poem for him, when I used to think about him and imagine things instead of sleeping at night.

The pure intention for someone. The feeling when you just want to see him in the hallway, the way you stare at him while he’s talking to his friends, that automatic smile when you hear his name. All that simple things are enough to make your day.

Loving someone in silence is not that bad.

No expectations. No heartbreak. No one will know. Loving someone in silence feels like you are admiring the stars every night without any intention to have or own them, it’s enough just to see them from afar. His presence can give you more peace and serenity.

That feeling that you don’t need to argue with the others who like him too, because you are silently admiring him. That feeling when you are near to him, your heart is racing so fast, to the point you can’t stop while your hands are sweating. That feeling of being inlove is kinda good and exciting.

As I said, some people are committed to someone these days that I can’t afford, because loving him silently is enough for me to feel temporary happiness in this world full of misery.

Loving someone in silence, made me realize that you don’t always need to be vocal about what you feel toward them. Being content with those little interactions, in that ten seconds of eye contact is enough.

There is nothing wrong with this phase. You will feel less hurt, but surely, you will be amazed at the beauty of loving someone in the way you only know.

We should not make things complicated and wait for our timing.




nothing‚ i’m just a girl 人。⁠*゚