Painting My Path to Tranquility: How Art Became My Meditation

Marcela Nowak
3 min readAug 12, 2023


Hello, I’m Marcela Nowak, and I’ve found my own haven of tranquility amidst the vibrant pulse of Los Angeles. What started as an exploration of creativity and design has transformed into an intimate journey of self-discovery through painting. As a Polish artist, I’ve not only pushed the boundaries of my roles as an art director and designer but also discovered an unexpected form of meditation that has brought me serenity and solace.

In this sprawling city, where the pace is relentless and the energy electrifying, I found myself yearning for a way to quiet the constant buzz within me. Traditional meditation felt like a distant dream, as my thoughts seemed to be in a perpetual whirlwind. It was in the midst of this struggle that I stumbled upon an unexpected refuge: my canvas.

My art is more than just strokes of color; it’s a journey through intricate motifs of florals, botanicals, and coral reefs. These designs create a bridge between the terrestrial and aquatic, inviting anyone who gazes upon them to experience a duality of existence — above the earth and beneath the waves. But beyond the visual appeal, my art has become my sanctuary — a form of meditation that allows me to escape the tumultuous pace of Los Angeles and immerse myself in a world of colors and emotions.

Every shade I choose is intentional, chosen to evoke specific feelings within those who view my work. Blue strokes embody tranquility, a gentle touch that calms the nerves like a whispered secret. Swirls of red radiate a symphony of joy, love, and passion, inviting observers to delve into the depth of human emotions. And then there’s orange — a hue that signifies intelligence, dedication, activity, and enthusiasm — a palette of emotions waiting to be explored.

Crafting each piece demands not just creativity, but patience and dedication. Every canvas takes over a month to complete, and their dimensions can reach up to 48 inches by 48 inches. These generous proportions envelop the viewer, allowing them to step into a realm where colors dance and emotions intertwine.

Yet, amidst the swirl of colors and creative fervor, my painting process has become a form of meditation in its own right. When traditional methods left me struggling to find inner calm, the act of painting itself became my gateway to tranquility. It’s in these moments that I find myself detached from the noise of the city, immersed in a world where each brushstroke is a step closer to serenity.

My inspirations are drawn from my journeys and extraordinary adventures, serving as a testament to my deep connection with both nature and my inner self. Through my art, I aim to offer more than just visual delight; I seek to share a piece of my heart — a journey through emotions, experiences, and reflections.

As a Polish artist, my journey is a testament to the endless possibilities of growth and exploration. In a world that’s always in motion, I’ve discovered that art can be more than a creation — it can be a source of solace, a form of meditation that heals and rejuvenates the soul. Through each stroke of my brush, I invite you to join me on this journey, to explore emotions and find your own tranquility amidst the canvas.

To delve deeper into my world of vibrant hues and intricate designs, you can visit my website at and follow my journey on Instagram at



Marcela Nowak

Multimedia Artist, Red Dot Award Winner, Photographer