15 Years of Despair Vanished When Joana Met Sarah

Soul Surfer
2 min readMar 1, 2023


Joanna had been living in a cycle of sadness and despair for the past 15 years. She had grown up with an abusive father who was constantly berating her, making her feel worthless and hopeless.

This led to a deep depression that left Joanna unable to connect with anyone or anything in her life. She was too scared to tell anyone how she felt, so she kept it a secret from everyone around her.

One day, she met Sara. Sara was different from anyone else Joanna had ever met — she was kind, understanding, and truly wanted to help.

She noticed that Joanna was struggling and asked if she could take her to meet a therapist who specialized in helping people with depression and trauma. Despite being terrified of what talking to a therapist would mean, Joanna agreed and went along with Sara’s suggestion.

At first, Joanna found it difficult to open up about the abuse she’d experienced as a child, but over time the therapist helped her process these traumatic memories in a safe environment.

After months of therapy sessions, Joanna began attending support groups which helped her better understand that she wasn’t alone in her struggles and that other people were going through similar experiences.

In time, Joanna slowly began rebuilding herself and learning to love again; something she thought impossible before meeting Sara. With each passing day, Joanna grew stronger as she reclaimed pieces of herself that had been lost for so long due to the abuse and trauma of her past.

Nowadays, not only does Joana fill full of joy but also uses this experience for helping others who are going through tough times by sharing stories about her own journey out of depression at conferences across the country!

Are you dealing with depression? Find out where to get help



Soul Surfer

Writer by Birth, Dreamer by Nature- Copywriter by profession my site:https://lyfxpress.com/