How to Develop an iOS App — A Complete Guide

16 min readAug 14, 2023


If you’re someone with an Apple ecosystem, you almost certainly use a Mac, iPhone, or iPad daily. You can create your apps for these devices, and it’s not as difficult as you think.

In the Apple App Store, about 2 million apps are created by various people, from young children in their beds to business development teams in large offices. There are several reasons to build for iOS, including the over 1.36 billion potential users.

For some, success can be defined by revenue and downloads, while for others, creating an app is about promoting a cause and trying to help others. It could be a worthwhile endeavour as a whole.

But creating an iOS app is no small feat. You need a great idea, a dedicated development team, and grit. Here we cover all the ways to your iOS app development!

Basic Requirements to Develop iOS Apps

If you work as a mobile app developer, you might have had doubts about developing for iOS. For instance, every developer needs a Mac computer, which is typically more expensive than Windows-based computers.

When development is complete, the app has to pass a stringent quality review process before it goes live in App Store. However, you have clear reasons to get involved in Apple app development if your business’s staff, clients, or partners are among the hundreds of millions of iPhone and iPad users worldwide.

Despite such barriers, developing iOS apps can be quite simple & often easier than building an Android app. Take the case of Rahul Kumar, a young developer who started coding at 7 years. He was bored in his room in 2020 due to Covid-19 lockdown restrictions and decided to make an iPhone app before graduating high school.

Using his father’s MacBook, Kumar created EmSafe. This emergency travel application enables displaced immigrants, refugees, or those who do not understand English to reach urgent help in more than 230 areas worldwide. Before starting to code in Swift, Kumar had some expertise with Java and Python, but he was self-taught and needed more help.

The same is the story of Ben Robinson, the young developer of Anxiety Relief: Find Your Calm. He had been learning programming for a few years when he began creating his first real at 13.

These real-life examples tell us that developing an iOS app is easy & anybody can get started. But what does it take?

● Mac System

First of all, you need a Mac. It is a prerequisite for creating iOS applications. You must first purchase a Mac with an Intel-based CPU running Mac OS X version 10.8 (or above) to create an iPhone (or iPad) app. If you have a PC, the cheapest alternative is to buy the Mac Mini.

The Intel Core i5 dual-core CPU and 4GB of RAM are included in the Mac mini’s entry-level variant. It should function properly enough to run the iOS development tool. If you have more money to spare, get a more expensive model or an iMac with more computing power.

● Register for a Developer Account

Next, you need to sign up for a free account as an Apple developer, which differs from the paid iOS Developer Program. You can use Apple Xcode, iOS SDK documentation, and other technical tools, like development videos, by signing up for a developer account.

You can sign up on Apple’s developer website, which is quite simple. Simply enter your personal information in your Apple ID (if you don’t already have one).

● Installation of Xcode

Xcode is the only program you can download to create iPhone and iPad apps. Apple offers the integrated development environment (IDE) Xcode. Everything you require to get your app development off the ground is included in Apple Xcode.

It already comes with the most recent version of the iOS SDK (short for Software Development Kit), a built-in source code editor, a UI editor, debugging tools, and many other things.

The iPhone (or iPad) simulator included with Xcode is the most crucial feature since it allows you to test your app without using iOS devices. You only need to launch the Mac App Store on your computer to download Xcode.

You should be able to access the Mac App Store via the dock icon if you’re running the most recent version of Mac OS. You may need to update the Mac OS if you can’t find it. Search for Xcode on the Mac App Store to install it. Just download it and install Xcode. Apple Xcode will be available on the launchpad when the installation is finished.

Together, these three conditions work to set up the iOS environment: An app can only be launched to the Apple App Store by active members of the Apple Developer Program. The App Store only accepts applications signed and published by Xcode. And Xcode only supports macOS and Apple PCs.

Prepare Environment for iOS Development:

By now, you know the prerequisites of iOS development. Now, it’s time to present the iOS development environment. So, you have a Mac Workstation with Xcode installed in it. What’s next? The Xcode can be further paired with an iOS simulator to start developing iOS apps.

But how to do it? Let’s talk about the steps.

  1. Install Xcode

By now, you already have Xcode installed. Next, you need to double-click the Xcode dmg file, where you’ll find a device mounted and opened. The shortcut to the application folder and the Xcode application will be present in the presented window.

You can drag the Xcode to the application to copy it to your applications. Xcode will now be included in applications you can pick from and run. Another way is to download Xcode from the Mac App Store and install it by following the on-screen instructions.

The Objective-C or Swift programming languages are supported by Xcode, which also offers the necessary tools and APIs to create iOS apps.

2. Explore IDE

Once Xcode has been installed, it’s time to explore the IDE. Xcode is an open-source IDE used to create iOS and OS X applications. You can develop iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple Watch, and Apple TV apps using the Xcode IDE (Integrated Development Environment).

Everything you need to build great apps is included in Xcode, including a wealth of tools for user interface design, apple app development, and code testing.

3. Choose Interface Builder

An interface builder is the technology that makes it simple to create UI interfaces. You have a wide range of UI components created for use. Simply drag and drop the items into your UI display.

All the UI elements you need are right below the objects library. The file extension of the user interface-xibs is often used, linked with a matching view controller.

4. Test with iOS Simulator

Xcode also features iOS Simulator that helps you test your application. The Xcode Device Simulator enables you to test it on various hardware when developing an iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, or Apple TV app.

Without needing to install your app on a real device, you can use the simulator to test your app’s user interface and functionality. The Xcode simulator is a fantastic tool for testing how responsive your app is to various screen sizes and orientations.

Now that your iOS development environments are set up, it’s time to learn the different iOS tools.

iOS Development Tools

Now it’s time to examine the numerous tools, technologies, capabilities, and languages in the iOS SDK. These tools include frameworks like UIKit and SwiftUI, programming languages like Swift and Objective-C, integrated development environments (IDEs) like Xcode, and performance monitoring tools like Instruments.

For instance, you can use HomeKit to standardize communication between the toaster and the phone if you’re developing an app controller for a smart oven. The users’ smart toaster oven and smart coffee machine will be able to communicate.

There are also developer kits for health applications, maps, and more, such as SpriteKit, GameplayKit, etc.

So, let’s discuss the most essential ones.

  • Languages

For iOS development, there are two programming languages available.

Swift, released in 2014, makes coding easier to read and write & also 2.6 times faster than the other language, Objective C.

Objective C stems from the programming language C and has a similar syntax and structure. It’s also easy to learn.

  • Editors and IDEs

IDE is an integrated development environment, and Apple has Xcode built as an IDE. However, there are other alternatives.

Xcode — The official Swift integrated development environment is Xcode, offered by Apple. It’s certainly the most powerful coding platform available.

CodeRunner — You can write code in any language with CodeRunner. With debugger support and syntax highlighting, you can utilize it with Swift on the IDE level right out of the box.

AppCode — JetBrains powers the AppCode platform. Swift and Objective-C are both supported by this IDE. Like Xcode, the AppCode debugger additionally supports iOS extensions.

  • Libraries

There are many iOS development libraries, some of which can be used as an all-in-one tool.

RxSwift — Particularly designed for asynchronous programming, the RxSwift library can be used for testing, debugging, and more.

CocoaPods — One of the most comprehensive dependency managers for Objective-C and Swift Cocoa projects is CocoaPods. Over 59,000 libraries can be found here.

The Foundation Framework — The official library from the Apple Developer Documentation is the Foundation Framework. It is recommended for anyone writing Objective-C code by the developer’s community.

Alamofire — Swift-based Alamofire is an open-source HTTP networking framework for iOS and macOS programmers.

Swift Standard Library — Another resource featured by Apple is the Swift Standard Library. It is similar to the Foundation Network. However, it is designed for Apple developers that write Swift code rather than Objective-C.

PromiseKit — Your asynchronous development process is made easier with PromiseKit. You can create more readable and understandable code with the library’s assistance.

  • Plugins

Injection for Xcode — With the help of the Xcode plugin Injection, you can modify how Objective-C classes are implemented.

Finestructure CoPilot — Finestructure CoPilot is an Xcode plugin. It makes concurrent editing with other Apple developers easier.

Crayons — Crayons is a color manager for your interface builder. Without manually generating them from your color picker, this plugin enables you to exchange color palettes from source files and add them immediately to your interface builder.

Understanding Apple’s Design and Development Guidelines

So, you have learned about iOS development tools. What’s left? The guidelines.

Apple won’t just allow anyone to publish apps on the App Store because they value their reputation for excellent products. If you want your software to succeed in the App Store, you must adhere to its guidelines.

Let’s begin by exploring how to create an iOS app that iOS customers will like.

● Overview of App Store Review Guidelines

Before uploading the application to the store, you should test it for crashes and defects. But what other guidelines have Apple reserved for you?

  1. Before submitting the app

To help your app go smoothly, Apple recommends some guidelines that include testing the app for crashes and bugs, checking the accuracy of the app’s metadata, providing App Reviews, enabling backend services, and including detailed explanations of features and in-app purchases.

2. Safety guidelines

When downloading an app from the App Store, users want to be sure that it’s safe to do so, that it won’t damage their device or include any uncomfortable or upsetting content, and that using it won’t put them in danger.

Hence, Apple outlines major pitfalls such as -

  • Apps that include offensive or insensitive content that is just plain creepy.
  • User-generated apps intended to infringe intellectual property or anonymous bullying.
  • Apps made for kids but don’t comply with applicable privacy laws or parental gates.
  • Apps that present physical harm or propose inaccurate data.
  • Apps that don’t implement appropriate security measures.
  • Apps containing inaccurate and not up-to-date contact information.

Therefore to send apps for review, make sure your app does adhere to all safety regulations.

3. Performance guidelines

Under the performance guidelines, Apple recommends submitting apps that are complete versions — not trial, beta, or demos; and should have relevant metadata and fully working URLs included.

Customers should also understand what they’re getting when they download or purchase your app, so make sure all the app metadata, including privacy information, your app description, images, and previews.

Apple advises creating universal apps that work on all iOS devices when it comes to hardware compatibility. As per software compatibility, the app needs to have only public APIs, must have the right framework, should be self-contained in their bundles, must be fully functional, and should not transmit viruses.

4. Payments regulation

Monetization is what you want to see in the App Store if you didn’t make your app solely for satisfaction. Hence, always remember that your business strategy should be clear to Apple moderators.

If not, describe it in the metadata or App Review remarks. It will speed up and slow down the review process and may lead to rejection if it’s difficult to understand how your app works and your in-app purchases aren’t immediately obvious.

It’s important to note that an unreasonable price can also serve as an additional factor for app rejection. See more Apple business regulations here.

● Avoid Common App Rejections

Great advantages are in store if you can successfully overcome Apple’s demanding review process and have the gatekeepers accept your app the first time!

For example, you’ll get more leads as users can find your apps in the App Store — that means more revenue. Unfortunately, some applications are immediately denied.

Apple claims that 88% of those rejections are due to the most common faux pas!

For example, Apple insists that all digital content be sold through its built-in, iTunes-based in-app purchase system. If your application permits additional payment methods for digital content, it will be rejected because Apple only accepts digital subscriptions and one-time purchases.

That’s why users cannot purchase new e-books in the Kindle app. Precisely why, the store rejected Dropbox because it features links to buy additional space; it was only one instance of why the Apple Store rejects apps; there are many more.

  • Apple doesn’t think twice about apps with overt defects or complete system failures.
  • No matter how beautiful or interesting your software is, Apple rejects apps that don’t operate smoothly.
  • Broken links are one of the top causes of an app’s rejection.
  • If a mobile app is made for incorrect motives, such as to give clients another contact method, the app store may reject it.
  • Apple can only accept your app if you supply accurate and up-to-date information for the store and review reasons.

However, the list goes on. In a nutshell, anything between poor UI/UX, inaccurate description, copying another app, lacking standard functionality, inaccurate screenshots, misleading users, and no long-lasting value can be grounds for Apple to reject your app.

You can avoid all that with the review tips that Apple provides.

● Design Guidelines of Apple

Apple users highly value simple, elegant, inventive, and user-friendly products, and that’s what Apple wants to feature on the App Store. That’s why there are minimum design standards in the App Store.

It means apps that provide substandard performances are not functional & copied from an exciting app don’t pass the standards. It also means iOS apps must adhere to the App Extension Programming Guide. They can display customized icons or run codes & just feature Sign-in with Apple option.

Although the inner workings of Apple’s app review process remain a secret, it is simple to see why certain apps are rejected. The key to avoiding them is to provide an engaging, well-designed, and high-quality app experience for your consumers.

Start Your App Development Project

Now comes the most awaited part — how to develop an iOS application. Let us sum it up for you.

Step — 1: Download Xcode

As we have already learned, for ios app development, you need an apple mac with Xcode installed on it. Xcode offers tools that check for memory leaks and features sandboxes that let Apple developers create iOS apps in a real environment before submitting the finished product to the app store.

Any Mac computer that satisfies the installation requirements may download Xcode free from the app store.

Step — 2: Open Xcode and Set Up the Project

Once you have installed it, you can begin writing code. You’ll need an iOS or macOS device to test and debug your app. Try using your application on a virtual system with the iOS & macOS simulators combined with Xcode.

Initially, configure the creation workspace on your system using an Apple ID & enabling desired settings in the Xcode choices preview.

Then, create a new project using the iOS Application/Single View Application templates. Modify it as desired by adding devices like buttons & views or coding for specific features like data space or networking abilities.

Try implementing the Xcode simulator to test the app performance on various iOS systems or use an active Apple Developer account & the TestFlight tool in Xcode to download.

Step — 3: Writing the Code

After that, you must create the code. And if you’re new to coding, don’t worry! Several resources are there to help you out in learning the Swift basics & creating Apple applications.

  1. Using Xcode

Develop your program using the debugger, code editor & other tools Xcode offers. However, get familiar with Xcode’s interface & try implementing its features.

2. Learn Swift

The initial coding language used to create Apple applications is Swift. Once you’ve mastered the fundamentals of Swift, you can begin writing the code to build your own iOS and macOS apps!

3. Test code

Pay attention to bugs and testing once you have finished all the other processes and built anything on Xcode. You must confirm whether the software is bug-free and can meet user expectations throughout this stage.

Once you have written the code, it’s time to move to the next step.

Step — 4: Connecting the UI

Create a prototype or an early sample to test your concept or approach. It can help offer specs that function properly in the environment or system. It describes the application’s flow and displays the UI for the program. It’s a terrific approach for users to examine the design more closely and make any necessary modifications.

Fortunately, Apple’s Human Interface Guidelines are the ideal tool for iOS developers to use when connecting to UI. Further, Apple advises iOS apps to adhere to the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design. So, remember to follow that as well!

Step — 5: It is Time to Run the App

When you have done all coding, testing, and other, it’s time to run the iOS app. How to do that?

From the Xcode screen’s top left, close to the Run/Stop button, and choose the device destination or simulator. And then, click the run button or press Command + R to launch the application. Your first app will launch and run on the iOS simulator.

Connect the device via cable to the Mac to launch the application on a real device. The device will be displayed immediately in the device destinations list. Select the device, and press Command + R.

You can add your iOS application to the App Store once you’ve developed, tested, and beta-tested it.

Let’s Start Developing Your iOS App!

Even with potentially steeper entry hurdles, iOS app development can be simple. Now that you know the whole process and its nooks and corners, you can answer the big question — how to develop an iOS mobile app. All you need are the necessary tools, meticulous planning, and adherence to the guidelines.

And if you want to monetize your app, keep in mind that Apple gets a 30 percent cut of your sales in addition to the USD 99 yearly price. That can be a lot, but focus on the brighter side.

Finding the best iOS app development business is obviously in high demand across industries & for a good reason. If you’re interested in learning more about mobile app development that would be most beneficial for you, reach out to a reliable iOS app development company!




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