A Predictive Analysis of CHP in Power Plants

3 min readNov 17, 2023


Combined heat and power (CHP) systems have become increasingly relevant in today’s energy landscape. With their ability to provide both heat and electricity from a single fuel source, CHP systems offer numerous benefits over traditional power plant architectures. The operation of power plants involves various factors that can impact their performance and efficiency. Accurate predictions are crucial for ensuring the smooth operation of these energy-generating facilities.

Is it possible to predict the presence of Combined Heat and Power (CHP) a key element impacting the total efficiency of a Power Plant?

No code AI Platforms like PredictEasy serves as a bridge between mere curiosity and its actual implementation. It opens up opportunities for experimentation and innovation to those who may have ideas and insights but lack the coding skills to realize them.

By democratizing access to AI technologies, it enables a wider range of people including business professionals, researchers to experiment with and benefit from AI without the barrier of needing advanced technical skills.

The Summary view of PredictEasy give a concise report on the accuracy of the Model.

SHAP Plot, Predicteasy

The Feature Rank tab highlights the top contributors. In this case, the Network_Operator is likely to be contributing to CHP.

Feature Ranking, PredictEasy

As part of feature engineering, we need to continue this iterative process of removing the features that are not useful.

In our first attempt, we achieve an accuracy of 83% in predicting the CHP.

Confusion Matrix, PredictEasy

One of the key advantages of CHP systems is their fuel efficiency. By recovering heat that would otherwise be wasted in traditional power plants, CHP systems can achieve higher overall energy efficiency. The waste heat can be utilized for various applications such as heating buildings or generating steam for industrial processes. This not only reduces greenhouse gas emissions but also lowers fuel consumption and operational costs.

Reduced Greenhouse Gas Emissions

CHP systems offer a cleaner and more sustainable alternative to traditional power plants. By capturing and utilizing waste heat, CHP systems significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, CHP systems can utilize various fuel sources such as natural gas, biomass, or hydrogen, allowing for cleaner alternatives to fossil fuels. This not only mitigates the environmental impact associated with power generation but also aligns with global efforts towards decarbonization.

Increased Resilience and Flexibility

CHP systems provide increased resilience and flexibility to the power system. By generating both heat and power onsite, CHP systems have the ability to respond to changes in demand quickly. This flexibility is particularly useful in scenarios where traditional power plants may experience disruptions or shortages. CHP systems can provide a backup energy source and ensure continuous power supply, even in challenging weather conditions.

Enhanced Grid Stability

CHP systems can contribute to grid stability by absorbing and discharging electricity at variable rates. This flexibility helps balance the supply and demand of the power grid, reducing the likelihood of blackouts and brownouts. By participating in demand response programs, CHP systems can also help reduce strain on the grid during peak demand periods.

Economic Benefits

Implementing CHP systems can lead to significant economic benefits for both power producers and consumers. CHP systems can generate higher revenues from the sale of both electricity and heat, resulting in increased profitability for power companies. For consumers, CHP systems offer lower electricity costs and reduced energy bills. The integration of CHP systems can also stimulate local economies by creating employment opportunities and supporting local industries.

In conclusion, CHP systems hold immense importance in powerplants due to their energy efficiency, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, increased resilience and flexibility, and enhanced grid stability. By harnessing waste heat to generate electricity and utilizing cleaner fuel sources, CHP systems pave the way for a more sustainable and economically advantageous power generation approach. As the world continues to strive for a greener future, CHP systems are set to play a pivotal role in achieving these goals.

