Mystic Souls — P2E NFT Game!
4 min readJan 29, 2024
Our in-game NFT champions — or as we call, Mystics
Our in-game NFT champions — or as we call, Mystics

Hello friends!

We present you a new project that will blow up the world of crypto games — Mystic Souls!

What is NFT?

Before delving deep into the world of NFT games, it is best to understand the basics. NFT stands for “non-fungible tokens,” and they are online assets representing concrete objects. NFTs are non-fungible because they are not tradeable, and they are just operating as “certificates of originality” of online assets.

Despite the fact that people could just easily duplicate online assets by, say, copying and pasting, NFTs are to emboss uniqueness. Thus, it enables originality and scarcity o online art, photo, music, video, and even in-game character. The original the online asset is, the higher the value is.

While some players are still engrossed with the traditional style of gaming, online games are now engaging NFTs as part of changing the gaming landscape. Creators and innovators of the gaming industry are seeing this as an essential and crucial part of taking into a new height the ecosystem and the gaming experience of players. Moreover, it is also an adaptive move to fit in these times wherein there are many to lose and so little to earn.

What do we mean by an NFT Game?

NFT games are freshmen in the industry, and they are here to provide a jaw-dropping feature. NFT games are online games introducing the “play-to-earn” P2E feature. While retaining some of the most utilized features from the traditional games, what distinguishes an NFT game is that it creates an opportunity for its players to earn a substantial amount while paying.

NFT games, such as Axie Infinity and Gods Unchained, allow players to gear up in-game characters and sell them to other players. In short, NFT games are a composite of entertainment and economic opportunities. According to multiple sources, many people are already so attracted to this feature of NFT games that some of them quitted their jobs to concentrate on playing and earning at the same time.

So, What is Mystic Souls?

Mystic Souls is a whole Universe where characters (“Mystics”) fight in Arcade (PvE) and Arena (PvP) modes, farm Soul TOKENs, grind XP, level up their characters and fight ravenous monsters for legendary NFT item drops.

The universe has a player-owned economy where players can truly own, buy, sell, and trade resources they earn in the game through skilled-gameplay and contributions to the ecosystem.

There are and will be many varied games experiences. Players compete with each to attain top rankings or be rewarded with coveted resources.

Lingo and Basic Details of Mystic Souls

Before we start, “Soulers” must possess an ample knowledge of the game through definitions

Mystics — an NFT champion required to play the game.

Soulers — Simply, players of the Mystics Souls

Soul Token — A fungible in game reward token earned by Soulers who fight in Mystic Souls. $SOUL serves the utility purpose which we will discuss more in detail

Star Cluster Token — Our $SCT governance token

Chi — Strength indicator of the Mystics. Higher Chi Mystics are rare

XP — the skill, level, or practical knowledge acquired from constant battles and victories.

Legendary Items — In-game NFT drops used to boost rewards

Arena Mode — the player-to-player battle

Arcade Mode — the player-to-environment battle

Staking pool — an opportunity for Soulers to lock up Star Cluster TOKEN rewards and earn with higher interest.

Beta version — the incomplete yet under improvement version of the game where bugs and glitches may still be at play.

Alpha version — full and final version of the game in which all developments have been tested without bugs, glitches, and other unfixed issues

How to Start Playing Mystic Souls?

Soulers are required to obtain at least one Mystic NFT in order to play the game. (Given there are only limited number of Soulers privileged to play Mystic Souls, NFT holders are generating instant ROI in secondary markets)

Just like Axies, these NFT champions will be built and minted, and should consist of many different unique body parts.

Initially, 1000 characters will be minted and randomly distributed to the participants of the minting event. All the participants will receive 1 character.

Breeding will start with the game release where players will be able to breed new characters.

All characters are unique and have different characteristics based on their DNA. Characters have different weapons including swords, wands and bow&arrows

Mystic Souls Beta Game Economics

Mystics which hold legendary items are rewarded generously

All update patches and more into the gameplay will be announced on our Telegram channel. So please stay tuned and continue to support Mystic Souls!

Let’s build your own line-up of Mystics

— playable as soon as mid / late 2024 —

