UPRISING 1 Write-up

Pine Damian
7 min readJul 5, 2022


An Intense Training room with challenges, for 5 week hosted by the Hacker Ace community Team. Hosted on TryHackMe

My First Write-up

NOTE: Don't just copy and paste answers, as that wont do you any good! try as much as possible to practice these. As this is meant to be a guild not a cheat-sheet!

Task 1 Day 2 tasks

A command-line interpreter or command-line processor uses a command-line interface to receive commands from a user in the form of lines of text. This provides a means of setting parameters for the environment, invoking executables and providing information to them as to what actions they are to perform.

Answer the questions below;

  1. what is the windows command line interface known as?

Command prompt

2. What is the Linux command line interface commonly known as?


3. How many command line interface do we have on windows?


What other command line interface on windows has it’s command similar to the Linux OS


Task 2 About WIndows OS and CLi

Unto the next!

No answer needed

Task 3 Windows commands

This will take you on some important command line commands that can be executed to get desired results.

Answer the questions below;

  1. What is the standard help command for displaying the command options


2. You will get detailed information about the command typed?


3. Which command adds a new username on the system.


4. what command displays the current date in mm/dd/yy or mm/dd/yyyy format?


4. what command will you run with /a that will show the directories attributes to show specific results

Got stressed here right? Always remember Google is your friend, The hint also says “google it” here you go


5. what command will you run with /a that will show the directories attributes to show specific results


6. Takes you to the top of the directory tree


7. Takes you one folder up


8. Creates a new folder in the current directory


9. how do i rename an old folder named hacker ace with a new folder named Tasks

ren hacker ace Tasks

10. Displays the directory structure of a path or of the disk


11. which command compare file contents


13. command to check your ip address


14. Command used to see if a service is up or down


Task 4 Linux Commands

This will take you on some important command line commands that can be executed to get desired results.

Answer the questions below;

  1. how to check what our current working directory is set to?


2. To list the files and directories in the current working directory


3. To change our working directory what command do we use?


4. To list the hidden files and directories in the current working directory

ls -a

5. How do we move our present working directory one step back

cd ..

6. Changes the working directory to the home directory of

cd user_name

7. How do we Determine file type


8. How do we View file contents from the terminal

wasted time here right? use filename

cat filename

9. How do we create a new folder from the terminal

mkdir filename

10. How do we remove a folder from the terminal of your present working directory

rmdir filename

Task 5 Linux file structure by files

It’s important you know about the file system and the roles they play as a directory in the Linux operating system.

Answer the questions below;

Sorry i won’t write the answers, always learn to research on what you don’t know. Google is your friend. let me help out, this link contains all you need concerning Linux Root Folders.

  1. Where do we find the root directory. Where everything begins.

Check the link above

2. Where do we find the files that contains binaries (programs) that must be present for the system to boot and run.

3. Where do we find the files that Contains the Linux kernel, initial RAM disk image (for drivers needed at boot time), and the boot loader.

4. This is a special directory that contains device nodes.

5. The directory contains all of the system-wide configuration files

6. In normal configurations, each user is given a directory what is the directory

7. This directory Contains shared library files used by the core system

8. Each formatted partition or device using a Linux file system,
such as ext4, will have which directory

9. The directory is intended for the storage of temporary,
transient files created by various programs.

10. The directory tree is likely the largest one on a Linux

Task 6 Conclusion

Nothing much to say here, and yeah a Link….:);

Task 7 Day 3 tasks

Understand the python programming Language

Answer the questions below;

  1. What is a syntax to output “HackerAce” in Python?


2. How do you insert single line COMMENTS in Python code?


3. 2Var NOT a legal variable name Yay or Nay?


4. What’s the output of this code x=6 print(x)


5. How do you create a variable with the numeric value 5?

pretty sure some newbies will find this Lil bit challenging its fine, the braces


Task 8 Section 2 Expression and Arithmetics DAY 3

Understand Expression and Arithmetics

Answer the questions below;

  1. type(5) will give the class of

You might miss the s


2. type(“5”) will give the class of


3. Which operator is used to multiply numbers?


4. Which operator is used to check floor of numbers?

Floor division means dividing and rounding down to the nearest integer. e.g >>> 7 // 3



5. Which Operators is used to compare two numbers


6. The operator used to assign variables in python is


7. 45 > 67 true or false?


8. “HackerAce” == “hackerace”

case sensitive


Task 9 Section 3 Conditional Execution



if a>b:



Answer the questions below;

1. if a>b


2. How many choices are possible when using a single if-else statement?


Task 10 Conditional Execution II

name=str(input("Enter your name:"))
score=int(input("Enter Your score:"))
if score <=100 and score >=70:
print("dear", name, "Your grade is A")

elif score <=69 and score >=60:
print("dear", name, "Your grade is B")
elif score <=59 and score >=50:
print("dear", name, "Your grade is C")
elif score <=49 and score >=45:
print("dear", name, "Your grade is D")
elif score <=44 and score >=40:
print("dear", name, "Your grade is E")
elif score <=39 and score >= 0:
print("dear", name, "Your grade is F")
print("Invalid Score")

Study the above code and use it to answer the following questions

Answer the questions below

  1. What will be the output if a user enter a score of 700

Invalid Score

2. What will be the output if a user enter a score of 47


3. What will be the output if a user enter a score of 83


4. What will be the output if a user enter a score of 56


Task 11 Conclusion

Thank you; Hope you love it so far?

Task 12 Day 4 tasks


No answer needed

Task 13 Questions Day 4

Answer the questions below;

1. What is know as the network of networks?


2. What is know as the Interconnected Network


3. The Process through which two or more computer communicate with each other is known as?


4. Hubs, Routers, Switches are examples of what type of network?

Wireless Network

5. Copper wire, twisted pair, or fiber optic cables are examples of what type of network?

Wired Network

6. Networks that are typically larger than LANs but smaller than WANs are known as?


7. A secure, point-to-point connection between two network end points is known as


8. A unique number assigned to every device connected to a network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication is called?

IP Address

9. A connection point inside a network that can receive, send, create, or store data are known as?


10. The bodies that provide the infrastructure that allows the transmission of packets of data or information over the internet are called.

Internet Service Providers

11. when every network node is directly connected to a main cable is called?

bus topology

12. In a full mesh topology, every network node connects to every other network node, providing the highest level of fault tolerance. However, it costs more to execute. In a partial mesh topology, only some nodes connect, typically those that exchange data most frequently.

No answer needed

13. A wireless mesh network may consist of tens to hundreds of nodes. This type of network connects to users over access points spread across a large area.

No answer needed

14. ___________ are security and performance capabilities designed to protect public-facing web content and applications before they reach the cloud.

Cloud Internet Security

15. ___________ secures and accelerates data transfer between private infrastructure, multiclouds.

Direct Link

16. A small segment of a larger message over the Internet are known as?


Will keep updating as new task keeps rolling out



Pine Damian

Penetration Tester | eCCPT | eWPT | eJPT | PenTest+ | CAP | Cybersecurity Professional | marsh4l_demi