10 games to play with your children… For everyone’s taste! (6–8 years)

10 games and gaming activities to play with your child to spend some pleasant time together

Marshmallow Games
5 min readMay 22, 2017

Those who know a primary school child, know that, most likely, they are going through a period where everyone expects to do great things, but between homework and extracurricular activities there is not much time to devote to recreation. Suddenly life interrupts that period of unbridled fun to make room for “serious matters.”

As children, they are dying to spend time with their parents, especially if the quality of this time spent together is enhanced by gaming activities and fun games.

We propose to you a few moments of pure entertainment and we advise you to steal even a few spoilers here and there! :)

1. The three glasses

Get yourself three colored or not transparent glasses. Hide a ball under one of three and have fun moving the glasses by exchanging their positions quickly to disorient the child and then ask him to remember under which glass was the ball. If you are very fast, you will be able to make the game a challenge!

2. Mime

Everyone knows him! This game is hilarious even to do in teams, so if you’re a large family I recommend you do it all together: choosing a topic (such as animated films) and in turn mimic the title that the other must guess within a defined period of time (usually 1–2 minutes). The winner is he who gets the most!

3. Role play

Children in this age group love to role play and they will do it all the time. Invent alternative identities, you can carry forward this game along with the “real life,” immerse yourself in a fantasy world where you are a wizard and he/she a Knight or a Princess, a pirate and his hub or whatever you want! Give yourself different names, featuring your favorite characters and start playing! It will be great fun and will come in useful in case you have some little spat, you can take refuge in your Enchanted world and lift the spirits!

4. We mess and build

Create jobs or build spaceships and Lego castles, get help from thousands of video tutorials you can find on YouTube or improvise, anything will be fine, just spend some time together giving free rein to your creativity. If you don’t have Legos or raw materials to build anything … all you have to do is throw in the culinary art!

5. We use your brain!

There is a very brainy game that kids love a lot: you think of a name (something, a character, a place) he/she must guess asking questions that you can answer only Yes or No. I’ll give you an example (you thought a shark):

Child: “is it a person?”

Mom: “no!”

Child: “then it is an animal?”

Mom: “Yes!”

Child: “an animal that lives in the water?”

Mom: “Exactly!”

Child: “it’s a big fish?”

Mom: “Yes!”

Child: “is this a shark?”

Mom: “Right!!”

Children, of course, are always fast and intuitive, but in reality the questions may go on all day, so be sure to give some help to avoid frustration. Then you can swap and guess something they have in mind… expect them to be cheat, they always do! :)

6. Paper airplanes

Make paper airplanes and have fun throwing them into a cup (stand at some distance or it will be too easy!), the winner is he who gets more in the cup.

7. Treasure Hunt

It takes a bit of effort to get it ready, but it is worth it! Hide a treasure (a packet of crisps, a chocolate egg or a toy), make little notes with clues and hide them, do it even 5 or 6, below I am writing an example:

1. First ticket: find those soft things that’ll cover your feet when you’re cold!

2. Second ticket: now find that thing you wear when you go out!

And so on until you find the clue … you can customize the tickets or, if you have time and creativity, write in rhyme:)

8. Names, property and city

This we all know is a very entertaining game and quiet, but I recommend you do it with children who already have a certain familiarity with writing. If your kids prefer it, you can paint thus creating an alternate version of the game!

9. Dancing and Pass

As long as there’s music, there’s dancing. But when the music stops, you stop everything and remain immobile. It’s a knockout game. Whoever moves is deleted. If it’s just the two of you, simply enjoy a challenge by standing facing each other. You will have to hand your smartphone with which toggle music. It will be fun to look your child in the eyes without being able to move, and it will obviously become a game of whoever resists more without laughing.

10. Move the pins with the Apple link tied to the wall

This game is really hilarious. Take an Apple and wrap it with a piece of string. Then tie the Twine to the belt of his pants or a buttonhole in the middle of the back, making sure that the Apple remains suspended at least 40 cm from the ground. Positioned in the middle of the room a row of pins (that can be safely plastic bottles) and compete to drop them by hitting them exclusively with the Apple (so you’ll have to move your legs to get the Apple down to the height of bottles). Whoever makes the most pins fall, wins.

Any game you choose to do the most important thing is that you will be spending pleasant time together, without any rules, just enjoying each other’s company… then after all this movement, if you’re too tired, a good movie on the couch holding a bowl of fries, in my opinion, is a well-deservedtreat. :)

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by Marianna Pappalardi

About author Marianna Pappalardi

Marianna Pappalardi is a proud mother of two spicy girls, a speech therapist and co-founder and creative director of Marshmallow Games.



Marshmallow Games

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