Mars on Earth
2 min readOct 29, 2023

A Never-ending Chase

You’ll meet me l Daniel Hannah on Pixelbay

Being alone is God’s way of telling you “be with me.” This is a piece of information that came to me and shifted my feelings regarding this emotion. Being alone lead to isolation. Loneliness is meant to act as a tool of self-reflection. Self-reflection isn’t always peaceful; it is a visceral journey of self-discovery, re-discovery. It’s scary to face yourself, to sit in the silence with those thoughts. But are they yours? Ask yourself — who is the thinker of this thought?

Jean-Paul Sartre

“If you’re lonely when you’re alone, you’re in bad company.” ― Jean-Paul Sartre

Putting off meditation lead to me feeling alone. I felt like a prisoner in my body. Ignoring the pull to sit in silence with myself was like drowning the dancing monkey. He struggles against me and his nails leave scratches (echoes) on my skin , and although I could not hear his voice, the bubbles popped and released his cries.

It wasn’t until after multiple promises to the All, that I was forced to recede into the recess of my mind in which I met the infinite and finite of myself. Which isn’t me, but a greater awareness of something that always was and eternal.

Pure presence transcends active thinking, allowing the unconscious processes to flow undisturbed. Being in isolation connects one with the greater intelligence outside of ourselves.

It’s all an excerice in duality and non-duality.

Mars on Earth

Starlight and strawberry-scented girl online telling a story of her visceral journey through the expanse of consciousness and fiery dance ∞ ♡/ IG: matchann.a