Dear Russians, (a response)

Marta Khomyn
1 min readMar 12, 2022


Evgenia, a Russian friend in Finland, responded to my letter.

Dear Marta,

First of all, let me tell you that my heart is breaking into pieces from what is going on with your country and your people right now.

Secondly, I cannot speak for all Russians, but I can share my personal experience. I’m not in contact with my sister anymore after trying to convince her that what they know is not true. I failed to convince my aunt. I wouldn’t even try to talk to my dad — he doesn’t have internet and he watches a lot of TV. It feels they live in a different reality.

Unfortunately, my case is not unique. I have friends and friends of friends with similar experience.

I have realized one thing: you don’t have to convince those Russians who know the truth. As for the rest — the more you convince them by crying, throwing facts, sending links, pictures and videos, the more they think you are hysteric and “brainwashed by the West”.

Yes, it looks to me at the moment that too many Russians do live in a propaganda machine. That makes me feel scared, frustrated and ashamed. And I do believe that there will be the day when they see the truth.

Unfortunately, it will be too late. It is already too late.


