I have a dream…

Marta Khomyn
2 min readMar 8, 2022


Image source: https://reporters.media/praporonostsi/

…of a free, independent Ukraine. And a peaceful, democratic Russia.

I’m no dreamer, I’m a pragmatist. Any dream needs a plan. And here’s mine: I want to speak to Russians — any one who would speak to me. Let’s talk about ways to bring about the world in which Russians are free from the Putin’s regime. Let’s bring about the world in which Russians live full, prosperous lives. The world without fear, shame and hate. In this world, there are no alternative facts, imperialist sentiments, and messianic messages. In this world, Ukraine is a free, independent nation next to a free, independent Russia.

Empires fall. Emperors vanish. History takes its course through actions of ordinary people. Russians around the world have a moral obligation to break through the wall of Putin’s alternative facts. To find a workable way to get the message to their relatives and friends in Russia: through the war in Ukraine, Putin and its enclave are killing thousands of Russian soldiers, and ruining Russia’s chance for a prosperous, peaceful future.

Yes, it’s no small task. I’m perfectly aware that many are leaving Russia, many feel resigned and powerless, many have cut ties with their families, unable to convince them that reality is different from what is broadcasted on the Russian TV. But staying silent means complicity. Each of us is fighting a war, and each must find a way to make the greatest possible impact. For Russians, that impact is figuring out a way to break through the Putin’s propaganda machine and ultimately remove Putin’s autocratic regime. After all, nobody wants their loved ones to live in an alternative reality. Nobody wants their country’s future stolen from them.

I believe the Russian people will ultimately tell good from evil. But I’m under no illusion: that is not currently so. To go from from the dream to reality, a lot of work lies ahead. I would like to speak to every Russian that shares my dream.

