Conversion after 20 sec of our startup featured in the biggest Polish TV news.

Marta Pyznarska
3 min readJan 31, 2014

We thought we would win the Internet thanks to it. So how many Android app downloads, web site visits and registration did we see right after this?

We launched Dropsport — an on-line and native mobile platform to find people to participate in fitness activities in Poland in January 2013

We had almost immediate attention of the offline media— two main TV news:

  • ‘Teleexpress’ — most popular one in Poland with the avg 4.5 mln of people watching
  • ‘Wiadomosci’ a second one in this ranking, with avg 3.9 mln of people watching each episode.

We were featured for 20 sec in each. In ‘Teleexpress’ on 31/01/2013 and in ‘Wiadomosci’ four days later.

We had both rich web application and native Android app. Both were shown on the TV material. During the whole TV material, the URL to our web page was shown on the bottom banner.

How we made it happen is another story. Here, let’s concentrate of how many web and Google Play traffic it broght us.

How many people, do you think would type the URL to a service which at the first glance looks to be targeted to a wide audience, right after seeing it in the TV?

From 4.5 mln people, how many would you expect? 0.5%? 0.05%? NO. We saw 0.0346 %of the viewers to hit our website. That is 1557 unique new users. The registration convertion for this channel was 15 % (registration was available only via Facebook which was not mentioned in the TV) .

For ‘Wiadomosci’ we saw very similar results ~ 0.0353 % came to the website (1026 new UU) and 13% of them registered.

Is it a bad result? Good one? I have no idea. If anyone has comparable data, please comment here.

Ok, so how about the Android app downloads? Would you expect order of magnitude less hits? Comparable number? More?

Summing only the downloads that occured short after the TV news, from both shows, we had 939 app downloads with 60% of registration conversion (only Facebook as an option).

Dropsport is all about finding sports partners — it’s more like a tool than a social network. So how many sports activities were planned by the people from a TV channel? Or maybe better: how many of them put a planned sports activity into the platform the same day they registered? 250, so it’s 25 % of overall people registered thanks to the TV through both mobile and web.

Seeing your app in the best recommended social apps in Poland between Ask.FM and Tumblr felt like winning back then.

Yeah, we experianced that even very little absolute number of downloads but happening as a spark in a short period of time can bring the app to the first 10 Best Social in the Google Play in the country and also in first 10 of Trending in the country.

Of course, the full outcome of appearing in the news can not be measured just by raw numbers of people who used the service short after. It helped other media discovered our service (we landed in PAP — Polish News Agency). We were later on covered by TVN, TVN24, Polsat and more.

If you have any questions you can easily catch me at @MartaRylko

