Here is why we keep up (it’s 100th Open Coffee KRK this week).

Marta Pyznarska
2 min readSep 8, 2015

We state the goal for Open Coffee KRK as follows: We are focused on attendees, gaining value from other attendees. So to see how we are going, we asked in the email: If Open Coffee KRK had a direct impact on changing your working or private life please answer YES. Here are the results:

YES. I have moved to Kraków and changed my work after one of the meetings.

Źmicier Hryškievič, Software Engineer

YES. Open Coffe helped me to realise that Kraków is my new home!

Marek Wawro, CTO & Co-Founder at

Yes. Found my first employee, who connected me to other people who helped recruit my whole company.

Samuel Cook, CEO of Prism Communications Inc. & James Cook Publishing

Yes, it changed my way of making business and was able to recruit very good developers thanks to understanding what developers in Krakow expect.

Marek Jackowski, Członek Zarządu & CTO

Yes. It gave me courage to open up and try new things.

Katarzyna Mroczek, Architect & Founder of Melanz Sztuki art & design

Yes. I received good feedback, some management and social media management advise and some hands on volunteer support.

Agata Bloswick, Head animator at aDaSie Foundation.

Yes. I found there my co-founder and this cooperation is very productive. This is how was born. We are a web-development house and we plan to release our own product soon.

Paweł Kontek, Co-founder & Designer of

and 60 other people agreed too and send out the YES response. Email was sent to 840 people. Open rate is between 20%–30% which gives 168–252 people who saw the request. Of course, the openers are probably biased towards those who got value. I’m mosly certain that Open Coffee KRK cumulatively had between 2000 and 3000 unique people attended.

My conlusion: YES. Open Coffee KRK brigns value to its attendees and is worth to put effort to make it bigger and better.

Big thanks to all good people who help or helped to make it happen: Richard Lucas, all first-meeting guests, Kamil Łopata, Łukasz Siatka, Aliaksei Kulbei, Daniel di Giusto, Paweł Nowak, Andrzej Wieser, Joanna Socha (logo!) and many others, including partners who contributed in some way. Also thanks to Piotr & Ela for setting the ground with Hive53.

Join us on Thursday, 10th of September at 8 AM in Colab, ul. Romanowicza 4 in Kraków for the 100th Open Coffee KRK.

Register here:

