The Most Practical Benefit of Mindfulness Meditation

Marta Brzosko
Connection Hub
Published in
8 min readFeb 9, 2018


I believe that self-care is one of the most important things to take into consideration, if you want to become the best possible version of yourself.

One of the easiest and most holistic ways to take care of yourself on a regular basis is meditation. This article is specifically about Mindfulness Meditation as not only a self-care technique, but also a very practical tool to enhance your focus.

The mind wanders most of the time. It has the power to make us feel high or feel down in a matter of minutes. It presents us with memories of the past or encourages to make elaborate plans for the future. Sometimes it replays the same thoughts over and over again — as if we were supposed to relive certain moments a specific number of times before we can move on to something else. Or it makes us rehearse a future event in our heads endlessly, before it decides we are finally prepared to act it out in real life.

Of course, we don’t need to get hung up on these kinds of thoughts — especially if we know they don’t serve us. In most cases it doesn’t help to toss and turn past or future events in our mind. What is past doesn’t exist anymore. What is ‘supposed to’ happen in the future — doesn’t exist yet.

More often than not, the best we can do is focus on the present moment. But our minds are…

