Nutella Milk Tea Recipe

If you are a Nutella Fan you will love this recipe

2 min readJan 1, 2023
Photo by Yoad Shejtman on Unsplash

I’m a mega fan of Nutella, I can’t live without it and I could eat the spoonfuls like it was super healthy yogurt.

Today I bring you a drink made with Nutella that is really perfect for these Christmas times! I’m sure you’ll like it 💗


  • 3 tea bags of your choice
  • 1 glass of water
  • 2 tbsp hot water
  • 2 tbsp coffee creamer
  • Nutella as much as you want
  • Ice cubs

How to prepare it:

  • Step the tea bags in a glass of water for 3 minutes and leave it in the fridge and chill.
  • Add 3 tbsp of any dairy creamer and hit water in a bowl. Stir and add a gigantic spoon of Nutella and combine them all together.
  • Pour this mixture into a cocktail shaker.
  • If you don’t have one, just use a good old bottle. Add the ice and you are done! Simple right?

I usually drink it without ice lately because it’s colder, but this drink is both perfect for the cold and for the hot temperature ❤️

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