Service connections across multiple projects in Azure DevOps

2 min readAug 12, 2023


How to create a service connection in Azure DevOps and share it with multiple projects.


Creating a service connection:

To create a service connection you can click on the little wheel on the bottom left of your Azure DevOps project:

Then click on new service connection.

Fill in all the specifications and add the service principal information. After all is validated you should have a new service connection.

The next step is to share your service connection with other projects.

Showing that a service connection is shared across projects
  • Choose the service connection you have created
  • On the top right are three dots and you want to go to Security
  • On the bottom you will find this option:
Option to add projects to a service connection

By adding other DevOps projects you will be able to use the service connection there too. No need to create multiple service connections based on one service principal.

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Senior Data Engineer, Azure Warrior, PhD in Theoretical Physics, The Netherlands. I write about Data Engineering, Machine Learning and DevOps on Azure.