Martha Towler / Martha's Tarot
5 min readAug 23, 2023

Archangel Metatron — the foundation of your Merkaba

I began reading Angel Tarot professionally in the fall of 2017, although I didn’t have a relationship with the Angels then, I felt their presence without being able to identify them. I was doing readings every day so my connection to them was certainly growing.

During one meditation a large pyramid shaped structure descended over my body. Once it was in place, another inverted pyramid structure rose up from beneath me.

As they met over my body they interlocked. They snapped together with the sound of metal colliding and sliding and as they spun in opposite directions. As they moved into sync with each other, geometric shapes and angles were formed in each intersection of the interlocked pyramids.

Shapes were forming in each corner; circles, lines, squares, all sorts of geometric shapes expanding and creating more shapes. Lights of different colors, mostly white, began to beam out from each one of these geometric shapes. The random sounds of metal scraping together now turned into a hum, and then developed into a higher, pleasant, frequency of sound.

It was spinning so fast it became a blur of light. The faster it spun the brighter the light, the sound carried me upward .I felt the presence of Beings I was very familiar with. I just let go and enjoyed the sensations.

When the meditation was over I was more than a little stunned. Really curious about what just happened, so I Googled it. I discovered that it was the Merkaba being established by Archangel Metatron.

That was when I realized reading the Tarot professionally was the path of my souls work. I invited Metatron in as I started each daily meditation. I then understood he began working with me, along with other Angels and Celestial beings, a long time ago only I didn’t get the message.

My first connection to the Angels

A decade earlier as a part of a small meditation group, I met Marie, an editor for a major New York publisher. She spearheaded the publication of a book on Angels in the context of New Age spirituality (a first for this publisher) which proved successful. They published more books on the subject and Marie worked with the publisher and the authors to create a daily Angel card message deck. Marie loved the Angels and brought them into every gathering we had. I, on the other hand, had little connection with the angels. I never asked who was working with me and never questioned why.

When I meditated I just travelled, and it felt good. Zooming off into another world where I felt whole. Just feeling the presence of Beings was good enough for me. Our mediation group eventually disbanded although I kept up with my meditation practice. Longing for the same powerful connection I had as part of that group, before my meditation I asked that they, Marie’s Angels, work with me. I half-heartedly believed I could connect with them. I just had a longing to fill.

Soon after I asked, I saw a pyramid shaped structure descending from above, surrounding my body. I felt the presence of very large beings. No physical appearances, they were light, strong, and oh — the love that emanated from them was so reassuring. I thought of them as Venusians. I have no idea why I thought that, I just did.

Archangel Metatron and the Merkaba
Archangel Metatron and the Merkaba — photo source unknown

There was at least one Being who felt different. Intense, and had a buzz to him. It felt masculine. Busy, energetic, practical. Archangel Metatron.

They worked on the spiritual layers of my body. I saw globs being removed, structures reinforced, sometimes it seemed they were stitching things together. I thought it was really weird, even for me. I had no freaking clue what was going on, and although I liked it, I felt too weird. I had no one to talk to about it and really wanted to be able to fit in here on this planet. I felt sad. And so I asked them to stop.

A message

They did stop. Not before I got a message that would take me decades to unravel. One beautiful summer afternoon, I went to a local taqueria, enjoyed the food and a beer while I read my book. The taqueria was located near the elevated subway in Queens, NY, the number 7 line. Typical of NYC, all the buildings were really tall. Near the elevated line was the only spot where you could see the sky without craning your neck to get a glimpse of it.

As I walked home I looked up at the sky — August skies are so beautiful with the deep blue background and those big puffy clouds. The sky was clear except for two shapes. A 6-point star and a triangle with a convex bottom. In between was an equal sign.

I thought it was skywriting, but it wasn’t fading like skywriting does and there were no planes in sight.

Cloud messaging from the Angels, 6-point star, an equal sign and a triangle with a convex bottom. The Merkaba is established for ascension.
Message in the clouds that the Merkaba was being established for ascension.

Nor were there any people around. I looked to see if anyone else was seeing this odd cloud formation. Not a single person was on the street with me. I lived in a densely populated neighborhood, so this was particularly odd.

No internet back then, and few spiritual people in my network, I went to metaphysical bookstores hoping to find out more. It was a dead end. I forgot about that event until the Archangel Metatron established the Merkaba all those years later when I began my Tarot practice.

If you’re on a spiritual path

Archangel Metatron is already working with you. It was all those years later when I clearly knew it was Archangel Metatron working with me and I learned what that cloud message meant. The 6-point star represented the Merkaba they were working on in my meditation. The triangle with the inverted bottom represents ascension. They were telling me that they were establishing my light body so I could ascend. It flew right over my head.

If you’re on a spiritual path, you are on the path of ascension. Archangel Metatron is already working with you. He works with you to establish a body of light and protection enabling you to move forward on the path of consciousness. He helps you raise your vibration, the amount of light your body can conduct.

If you want to connect with Spirit, Angels, Masters, or any Celestial Beings, you can hasten that connection if you raise your energetic vibration so you can meet them half way, so to speak. They see you no matter where you are on your evolutionary path. By lifting yourself up, clearing your heart and emotions you allow yourself to become aware, even momentarily of their presence.

The team of Archangel Metatron and Archangel Michael

Metatron works closely with Archangel Michael to clear your light body and the energetic space around you. Metatron reestablishes the framework of your connection to the space around you and your place in the Universe. Why not ask to understand what your Merkaba feels like? Ask the Archangel Michael to help you clear your body, mind, spirit and space? Why not ask Metatron to work with you to establish a strong connection to the divine Universal energetic grid? Together they are a great team —working for you.

Martha Towler / Martha's Tarot

Psychic/Intuitive Angel Tarot readings. Connecting with Spirit Guides, Angels and Ascended Masters. Offering readings, meditations and classes.