Marthyn Olthof
2 min readJan 8, 2015

Property or Observes? EmberJS Explained

When to use which

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While programming for Learning Spaces I had a lot of trouble choosing when to use `.property(‘property to observe’)` or `.observes(‘property to observe’)`

They behave the same, as in they run whenever the property between the `’ ‘ ` changes. But there’s a difference and you should know that difference.

Basically when you only manipulate other things you need `observes` and if you return something which you need later you need to use `property`

So let’s say you have a BookController with some properties.

App.BookController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
setPage: function() {
var pageNumber = this.get(‘pageNumber’);
this.set(‘page’,‘page’, pageNumber));

footNotes = function() {
return this.get(‘page.footNotes’)

copyright = function() {
return ‘(c) Marthyn Olthof — Learning Spaces’;

setPage: function () {
var pageNumber = this.get(‘pageNumber’);
this.set(‘page’,‘page’, pageNumber));

This is a function which sets the page property, but it doesn’t return anything. Therefor we can just use the ```observes(‘pageNumber’)```. Which runs every time the property ```pageNumber``` changes. But it’s impossible to bind this to a view!

footNotes = function () {
return this.get(‘page.footNotes’);

Here `footNotes` is a property which returns the footnotes of a page. To update this property everytime the page changes and bind it to a view. We use `property(‘page’)` with a binding to the property `page`. So everytime the page property changes the footnotes change too. Also you can now bind this to your view as such `{{footNotes}}`

copyright = function() {
return ‘(c) Marthyn Olthof — Learning Spaces’;

Finally we have a property which doesn’t change at all. Therefor we use `property()` without any binding. We can bind this to a view with {{copyright}} and it will not change unless the controller is initialized again.

For review, here is a table: