How to create a full-featured Kubernetes platform for running micro-services

I have been writing a series of articles that explain how to create a full-featured Kubernetes platform. The aim is to create a cluster with all the functions you need to operate and maintain your microservices. In this article I bring it all together by referencing the articles in the order they should be followed to create the platform.

Martin Hodges
4 min readJan 29, 2024
Kubernetes platform


This series of articles brings together a number of technologies to create a Kubernetes cluster and associated non-cluster servers that creates a platform for running one or more microservices.

In all my solutions, I use an Australian cloud provider, Binary Lane, which provides basic hosting services. Not only are they cost effective, they are reliable. By creating solutions based on their no-frills service, it means you learn a lot whilst creating solutions with little to no lock in. This is unlike other suppliers such as AWS, Azure and Google Cloud, which make life easy by providing sophisticated and complete services that lead to provider lock in.

Note that all my virtual private servers are based on Ubuntu 22.04 and I cannot guarantee that the solutions wil work on other operating systems.


The technologies used in the overall solution include:

  • APISIX — a free open-source API Gateway controlling access into the cluster
  • Grafana — a log and metric visualisation platform
  • Helm — a package manager for Kubernetes
  • Keycloak — an Identity and Access Management solution
  • Kong — an API gateway controlling access into the cluster
  • Kubernetes — a container orchestration platform
  • Let’s Encrypt — a CA that provides PKI certificates for free
  • Loki — a log aggregation system for Grafana
  • MinIO — an S3 compatible object storage
  • NGINX — a reverse proxy load balancer
  • NFS — a Network File System for providing persistency
  • OpenVPN — providing secure access into your Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
  • PostgreSQL — a database to provide persistency
  • Prometheus — providing visibility of metrics from within the cluster and servers external to the cluster
  • Promtail — collects logs and sends them to Loki
  • Slack — a channel for receiving alerts

Solution description and references

The architecture shown in the diagram above is built up over a series of articles that are designed to be followed in order. This series is shown in the list below (Note: those without a link are in the process of being created):

  1. My guide to Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) — optional
  2. Introduction to creating a CA on Debian 11
    Creating a CA with easyrsa on Debian 12 — optional
  3. Guide to using OpenVPN to access servers in your VPC
  4. Automatic creation of Kubernetes cluster on Binary Lane
  5. Adding persistent storage to your Kubernetes cluster
  6. Adding observability to a Kubernetes cluster using Prometheus
  7. Adding Grafana visualisation to a Kubernetes cluster with Prometheus
  8. Object Storage in your Kubernetes cluster using MinIO
  9. Improve observability by adding logs to Grafana on a Kubernetes cluster
  10. Simple service for testing Kubernetes configurations
  11. Why do I need an API Gateway on a Kubernetes cluster
    Installing APISIX API Gateway on your Kubernetes Cluster
    Integrating Keycloak IAM with APISIX to secure your Kubernetes Services
    Using Kong to access Kubernetes services, using a Gateway resource with no cloud provided LoadBalancer
  12. Adding a Postgres High-Availability database to your Kubernetes cluster
  13. Backing up your CloudNativePG cluster to Object Storage using Minio
  14. Adding a wildcard Let’s Encrypt certificate to your server without a web server
    Using a wildcard certificate within your Kubernetes cluster
  15. Adding TLS connectivity to MinIO
  16. Introduction to Vault to provide secret management in your Kubernetes cluster
    Enabling TLS on your Vault cluster on Kubernetes
  17. What are the 3 different layers of security that control user authorisation and why we have them
    What is OIDC and OAuth 2.0 and why are they used
    How to install Keycloak IAM with APISIX on your Kubernetes cluster

Spring Boot Solution

As well as the solution mentioned above, there is another sequence of articles that looks at creating a solution for running a Spring Boot application on Kubernetes with a full Continuous Integration / Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipeline. It also includes automatic creation of the infrastructure.

This sequence of articles is called:

Spring Boot CI/CD on Kubernetes using Terraform, Ansible and GitHub.

Parts of this series can be used in conjunction with the solution above to provide even greater functionality. It includes:

In these articles, the code can be found on my github account.


This article has presented two sets of articles that build platforms for your microservices.

The first is a fully featured Kubernetes platform that can run any microservice application.

The second is specifically designed to demonstrate how to implement Spring Boot on Kubernetes with a fully automatic CI/CD pipeline.

Note that neither of these solutions is production ready. You need to assess your availability and reliability targets as well as your security requirements before basing any solution on these articles.

