How Verti Insurance Navigated the 100% Customer Journey from Online to Offline

Ever wondered how those online clicks turn into real-life purchases? Verti Insurance cracked the code, and you won’t believe how they did it!

Martin Lostak
2 min readJan 5, 2024
Photo by Campaign Creators on Unsplash

Innovative Approach: Connecting the Dots Online and Offline

Imagine this: people start buying insurance online, but the final deal happens offline.

Verti Insurance, with a little help from Google and Making Science, found a way to connect these dots. They used Google Cloud and Ads Data Hub to follow customers’ entire buying journeys.

Omnichannel Magic: Seeing the Unseen Sales

By mixing their own data with Ads Data Hub magic, Verti saw the whole picture.

They predicted how online clicks influenced offline choices. This 360-degree view helped them spot 30% more online sales they couldn’t track before.

It wasn’t just about knowing more; it was about building strategies for high-value customers.

Predicting User Value with Machine Learning



Martin Lostak

Writing about psychology and marketing & bias. Also time management. Creator of a Spanish learning program for digital nomads.