How to Gain Power Over Pressure

Martin Soorjoo
2 min readJan 5, 2018

Today’s episode is a solocast where I discuss one of greatest challenges being faced in modern society — pressure.

People are experiencing greater pressure than ever, across all areas of their lives. The consequences of not effectively managing pressure include the significant undermining of physical and mental health, loss of relationships and financial ruin.

During the solocast I dispel some of the common myths surrounding pressure and outline 3 highly effective strategies for instantly reducing and managing pressure. I dive into some detail when explain how to apply the strategies so you may want to have a pen or digital note taking device to hand.



  • The difference between ‘pressure’ and ‘stress’ and why it matters
  • Why the pressure comes from within rather than an external source
  • Do some people perform at their best when under pressure?
  • When pressure is your ally
  • The power of perspective
  • Pressure and reality distortion
  • Why you should enjoy the challenge

Martin Soorjoo works with individuals and teams to increase performance and resilience.

Originally published by Martin Soorjoo on



Martin Soorjoo

I help individuals and teams Navigate Stress and Outperform under Pressure. . Host of The Outperform Show