Why most people fail to learn programming?

3 min readNov 7, 2023


Photo by Alex Kotliarskyi on Unsplash

Learn Programming is something that can open many doors for your future, it can give you better jobs and create programs to solve problems for society. It’s amazing. However, it also has a lot of challenges that people maybe don’t like so much.

In this article, I will share with you the top reasons I noticed:

1. The Difficulty

Programming is a complex skill that requires understanding of various concepts, such as algorithms, data structures, and logic. If a person finds it hard to understand these concepts, they may struggle to progress. I was on there, in my first steps everything is so complex and strange.

2. Overwhelming Choices

One of the initial roadblocks that newcomers to the programming world face is the overwhelming variety of programming languages and technologies. With countless options to choose from, many find it difficult to make an informed decision. This can lead to confusion, frustration, and often, abandoning their efforts prematurely.

3. Fear to fail

When you have a bug in your code and you are trying hours and hours to fix it, you will feel a sense of failure and be really hard with yourself.

It’s very normal, programming is about solving problems and those problems can be really challenging, or with problems apparently “small”.

When I started learning to program, I had a lot of bugs that seemed very obvious but not at that time, sometimes you need a break and go outside. Instead of coding several hours without breaks, you can do 45 minutes of work and a 15-minute break. This is called the Pomodoro Technique and you will feel more rested in mind.

4. Trying to reach the advanced level from Day 1

It’s simply impossible to learn everything in the first day, your brain needs to assimilate the concepts first and this is achieved over time.

Practice immediately after see a new concept, this will reinforce your learning.

5. Lack of time

Learning to program can be time-consuming, and some people may not have enough time to devote to learning the skill.

However, I will say you something: You probably have the time to learn programming, 15 minutes a day or even less if necessary, the consistence is very important even if you do programming a few minutes. If you are 1 hour scrolling TikTok or Social Media, then you have time to learn programming.

Don’t get me wrong, I know there are people that lacks of enough time to learn programming, but the most people have the enough time to do it.

6. Lack of interest

If you don’t have any interest in programming itself, it will be very difficult for you. Because programming is complex, and most of the time you need to research to solve a problem, and to do this good, you need interest to discover more and research more.

7. Lack of Motivation

Motivation is a temporal state that you feels you can do everything. But this is not always forever. You require discipline, and you build discipline when you do things even if you don’t feel like it.

8. Lack of economic resources

Surely you did not expect this, but it’s true, I live in a country in Latin America (Argentina to be exact), and with the economic situation here, it’s so hard to buy a computer, maybe they have a very old computer or only smartphones, and it’s very sad because it conditions people who want to learn programming, and they have the potential to be great programmers.

Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this article, you can give me a clap, I will thank you

