Replace email newsletters with RSS, get back some control over your attention

Martin Betz
2 min readApr 16, 2018


RSS is back, with a bang.

With Facebook’s latest data scandal, like many I seem to get more sensitive about privacy. Also, the time and attention it takes to follow my Facebook and Twitter timeline and read all those newsletters I subscribed to, got simply too much.

In an attempt to gain control over the information I consume–and the time and attention I give it–I logged into Feedly for the first time since long ago.

I deleted all feeds from the past. I crawled my email inbox for newsletters that I read regularly. I thought about websites I visit a lot and could

So for my code and design information what I ended up with:

I did not find good solutions for the following sites:

  • IndieHackers
  • Quora
  • DesignerNews

I know there are many services that convert webpages to RSS or use IFTTT, but I prefer services that do the heavy lifting.

Which services or feeds do you use to get back control over information consumption?

