Martin Agrinya Adoga
3 min readMar 3, 2023

My Data Pipelines Project in Data Engineering


In today’s world, data is available from a variety of sources on the internet, and it is necessary to have the skills to collect, clean, and store it for analysis. In this article, I will be sharing my experience in creating an automated data pipeline using Python and MySQL, and how it has helped me work with data more efficiently.

My Journey in Data Engineering

As a Data Science student at WBS Coding School Bootcamp, I discovered the importance of creating and automating data pipelines in the cloud. While the task initially seemed daunting, over time, I found it fascinating to learn about the various techniques and skills involved.

One of the most popular techniques for data collection is web scraping using Python’s beautiful soup library. This tool enables me to extract information from HTML and XML files, making it easier to collect data from websites. By targeting specific elements in the HTML or XML code, I can quickly gather the information I need.

Another approach is using APIs, which provide access to data from a range of sources such as social media platforms, weather services, and financial databases. Using APIs is often more efficient than web scraping since the data is already structured and ready to use.

Once the data is collected, the next step is to clean it up using Python’s string operations, str methods from the Pandas library, or regex. This step is crucial to ensure that the data is in a usable format and to eliminate any errors or inconsistencies.

To work with the data effectively, I often use Python’s for-loops and list comprehensions. These tools allow me to perform tasks iteratively, making working with large datasets easier. I also structure my Python code as functions, which helps me reuse code and keep my project organized as it grows.

When it comes to storing data, I set up a MySQL database. I create an SQL data model to define the relationships between tables and then create MySQL tables with the appropriate data types, constraints, and keys. To enable the connection between my computer and the cloud instance, I set up an RDS instance on AWS and use MySQL-python-connector to communicate with it from my Python code. This approach allows for more efficient processing of large datasets and better management of resources.

To populate my MySQL tables with collected data, I use INSERT queries executed from a Python script. If I want to run my code in the cloud, I set up the Lambda function using a serverless service. I can even create custom Layers with ad-hoc dependencies for my Lambda function and schedule my function to run on a specified schedule.

Once the tasks are completed, the project should finally resemble this diagram.

The Benefits of Data Pipelines

By following these steps, I can collect and work with data more effectively, enabling me to build more powerful and insightful applications. Whether I am working on a personal project or a professional endeavour, these techniques help me get the most out of my data.

Data pipelines are crucial for decision-making and problem-solving since they enable efficient data collection, cleaning, and storage. With the rise of big data, automating the pipeline is becoming increasingly necessary to extract insights and value from the massive amounts of information generated.


In conclusion, creating an automated data pipeline using Python and MySQL is a crucial step in working with data. By following the techniques outlined in this article, you can collect, clean, and store data, enabling you to perform data analysis and gain insights into various fields. Start your data pipeline project today and discover the power of automated data pipelines in unlocking valuable insights from your data.

Thank you for reading. Please let me know if you have any feedback.