10 Tricks to Complete Case Study Writing Quickly

Martina Roger
3 min readDec 3, 2019


Case Study writing requires a lot of research work. Thus, it is bound to take up quite a lot of your priceless time. But do you know that there are several ways to bring down the time required to complete the case study writing?

If you are tired of finding the most appropriate solution for case study writing, say, Marks and Spencer case study solution, you have arrived at the right place. Here you will get some infallible tips to complete the case study in a limited amount of time.

Hacks and Guidelines to A Perfect Case Study Writing

Before you write the case study, you need to do some homework. Follow the points below to excel in the exercise:

1. Thoroughly Examine the Case

In order to save time, your strategy should be straightforward. You need to be very mindful while studying the case at hand. Rather than wasting time later, take notes of the critical aspects and highlight the crucial points while going through the material. Moreover, try to underline the key issues associated with the case.

2. Be Specific in Your Analysis

To make your case study stand out from the class, provide precise points and arguments in the paper. Save time upfront by avoiding the working with irrelevant information. Your research work should aim at:

· the existing problems

· the reasons behind the issues

· the impact of the problems on the organization

Thus, your approach should be articulate.

3. Be Realistic with the Solutions

Most students spend unnecessary time on irrelevant aspects. It not only consumes more time but also affects the flow of the case study writing sample. Focus on getting the solutions to the issues in the case study to be appropriate. Try to make a list of the possible solutions first, based on research.

4. Select the Most Viable Solution

An effective way to handle the case study is to check out the case study writing samples available online. Look for the solutions stated in those case study samples. You will find the writers have always provided the most suitable solution depending upon the external and internal factors of the organizations.

Once the homework is done, it is time to draft an initial case study. The points mentioned below will help you manage the content as per case study writing guidelines, and cut down the time significantly.

5. Provide Appropriate Introduction

The introduction needs to be interesting, so that the teachers are instantly attracted to the case study. Write down the key problems and formulate an appropriate thesis statement. Here, the content should be precise and consist of fewer word count. Moreover, provide interesting figures or facts at the beginning of the content.

6. Provide Brief Overview

Following the introduction, you have to provide a brief overview of the situation. You have to present the readers with:

i. The perfect scenario

ii. Background details

iii. Relevant facts

Once you have provided this, proceed to the next step.

7. Evaluate The Case

The evaluation of the case study is one of the most crucial aspects. In order to gain more insight, you can check out the case study writing format of the samples to see what other authors have done. Here check out what aspects are working for the organizations through Shell SWOT analysis or PESTLE analysis.

8. State the Solution

Once the case has been evaluated, you need to provide the most suitable solution. The groundwork that you did previously will help you in this case. Here state why the solution was chosen and support your argument with validations like graphs, charts etc.

9. Include Recommendations

After the solution has been stated, you have to provide recommendations. Here you have to:

i. Provide future scope of implementation of specific strategies

ii. Provide further steps to improve the situation

Abiding by the format will help you manage the data and help you complete the case study in a limited period.

10. Write the Final Copy

Once you are done creating the first draft, it is time to curate the final copy. The first draft will provide you with insights on the errors and citation mistakes. Thus, the final draft will be flawless and authentic.

Thus, if you follow the steps mentioned above, it will help you reduce the time taken for case study writing.



Martina Roger

Martina Roger is an academic writer at a reputed firm, providing assistance to students on various case studies and assignments.