Martín BesnéinThe Gen Z lifeUnlocking the Apple Revolution: From Gadgets to Health & InsuranceApple’s Strategic Shift: Health & Insurance Revolution — Unveiling New Horizons in Tech. Explore the Transformation!Sep 13, 20231Sep 13, 20231
Martín BesnéinThe Gen Z lifeThe sharing economy trapWhen we talk about the sharing economy, we are talking about P2P economic systems. But, are we really dealing with a sharing economy?Aug 17, 20232Aug 17, 20232
Martín BesnéinThe Product ClubWhat does a Product Manager do?A Product Manager is the person managing the company’s products. We can reduce his tasks to: discovering, building and growing products.Mar 9, 20232Mar 9, 20232
Martín BesnéinThe Gen Z lifeDo brands still make sense today?In an increasingly emotional world, conventional brands have nothing to do against those that sell us a sense of belonging to a tribe.Mar 4, 20235Mar 4, 20235
Martín BesnéinThe Gen Z lifeOwnership, the secret to increasing your team’s motivationMost companies are looking for the same thing: talent. But how can we retain talent once we have attracted it? There is a secret formula!Sep 16, 2022Sep 16, 2022
Martín BesnéinThe Gen Z lifeWhat is the OKR methodology and why should you start using it?We all work with objectives. We should be careful when defining them. The OKR methodology is here to help us. Are you ready?Aug 24, 2022Aug 24, 2022
Martín BesnéinMarketing en EspañolHackeando el metaverso (II): somos el contenidoEl metaverso no solo cambiará la forma en la que interactuamos con internet, sino que cambiará cómo nos relacionamos con los otros.Aug 16, 20221Aug 16, 20221
Martín BesnéinThe Gen Z lifeShould we protect the AI or protect us from it?We focus on giving an ethical answer to how we should treat AIs, but completely forget to protect ourselves from them.Jun 27, 20222Jun 27, 20222
Martín BesnéinThe Gen Z lifeThe importance of data in communicationsData should appear at the beginning of every Communications Plan. But a Communications Plan shouldn’t end by measuring the results.Apr 19, 2022Apr 19, 2022
Martín BesnéinThe Gen Z lifeAbout privacy and Data BrokersData Brokers buy your data and then make money by selling it. Even if you don’t know them, they know you better than anyone else.Apr 12, 2022Apr 12, 2022