Full Adder

Martin Corona
2 min readJun 22, 2019


A full adder Figure 1 is a digital circuit that adds three one-bit numbers: two operands named X and Y and a carried bit named CIN. The circuit produces a two-bit output: an output carry bit named COUT and the result bit S.

In this practice is about compute the Turing Machine that emulates an 8-bits iterative adder, as an example in the Figure 2.

Using the picture from the figure 1 will be something like the figure 3

In the next figure 4 it shows of the adder works.

Figure 4 Full adder 8 bits

For the development of this practice, as a first step we must design a model for to know the functionality of the process, The symbol — means that it will decreasing, The symbol + means that it will increasing to do the movements through the process, The model is show in the Figure 5.

Figure 5 The Adder’s Model.

In this table will be explained a explanation about how the model works, on the left side of the table it will show the movements in the tape, the cell with the color gray will be the header.

R=right, L=left,the cell in gray will the header.


At the beginning it was difficult to understand, because I didn’t know where I should start, So I wonder, How this works? And there’s where I can figure out and make it possible. One of the things that I noticed, It’s that if you move the The Adder’s Model in the Figure 5 to the Right its a heart ❤

the code https://github.com/martincorona007/Adder


