Manifestation Unveiled: A Personal Journey of Real Power

Martin (Kintu) Cowart
6 min readOct 15, 2023


The perennial question often arises: Does manifesting really work, or is it nothing more than an elaborate hoax?

Well, allow me to recount my personal journey, a compelling testament that manifestation is not just a belief; it’s an experiential reality. My life’s story serves as undeniable proof that manifestation is real, effective, and an incredible power innate within each of us.

Throughout the myriad twists and turns of my life, I’ve encountered moments riddled with doubt and fear, where my loftiest dreams seemed impossibly distant. Through these experiences, I’ve come to understand that manifestation isn’t some obscure and elusive concept; it’s a fundamental law that underpins our existence, with the potential to profoundly reshape our lives.

A striking illustration of manifestation’s transformative power can be found in the life of Oprah Winfrey. She and I were both born in the Deep South in 1954, yet our backgrounds couldn’t be more contrasting. While I hail from a privileged, old-money white family in Southwest Georgia, Oprah emerged from humble beginnings as a poor black girl in rural Mississippi.

On the surface, I may appear to come from abundance, but Oprah discovered true abundance within herself and manifested a multi-billion dollar empire for the betterment of others and the world we live in today.

Oprah has always been an inspiration for the kind of life I aspire to lead.

Living a magnificent life of joy and fulfillment is about mindset. Today, I’m using her example to coach and teach my African family how to manifest, encouraging them to adopt a million-dollar mindset.

If a disadvantaged black girl from rural Mississippi can build a multi-billion dollar empire, then surely our African brothers and sisters striving to survive in the harsh conditions of the Kakuma refugee camp in the Kenyan desert can also become millionaires building empires for the betterment of others and the world.

Manifestation is deeply rooted in the Law of Attraction, and it works resolutely, 100% of the time, irrespective of your circumstances. Whether you find yourself in rural, impoverished Mississippi, the barren deserts of Africa, or my own backyard in Northern New Jersey, manifestation is a limitless force.

Grasping the Law of Attraction

At its core, the law of attraction adheres to a simple formula:

  • What I think is what I create.
  • What I feel is what I attract.
  • What I imagine is what I become.

And this holds true for all of us:

  • What you think is what you create.
  • What you feel is what you attract.
  • What you imagine is what you become.

It’s not a whimsical concept; it’s an incredible force that silently governs our lives. Looking back, I can attribute every achievement, every relationship, and every experience I’ve had to my thoughts and emotions.

Our Role as Co-Creators

The thrilling part of this realization is that I am a co-creator of my reality, and so are you. Everyone reading this, every individual on this planet, is continuously manifesting their life, day by day. If you’re content with where you are, it’s likely due to your past manifestations of positivity. If not, it might be time to reevaluate your thoughts and feelings.

Manifestation in My Life

Let me share a real-life example of how I harnessed the power of manifestation. My husband and I desperately needed a new roof for our house. In the throes of this urgent necessity, I decided to put the law of attraction to the test. On August 31, I made a crystal-clear request to the universe — I wanted a new roof for my birthday coming up in September.

To be transparent, I wasn’t just yearning for a roof upgrade. My husband and I faced the looming threat of losing our homeowner’s insurance and, potentially, our home if we didn’t replace our roof. The problem was, we couldn’t secure the necessary funds, which left me in a state of panic and dread.

But then, the universe responded. On September 1, the very next day, I secured a contract for a new roof with solar panels, all without having to surrender my credit card. The opportunity to replace my roof had been right in front of me all along, but I couldn’t see it because I was clouded by fear and uncertainty.

The true test and opportunity for manifestation occurred on the day before the installation, when I received notice that they required a document confirming my husband as one of the owners. I bought the house in 2005 in my name only, before we were married. Fear gripped me, and I wanted to cry, as it seemed my dream of a new roof was slipping away.

However, instead of rejecting the fear, I accepted it. I allowed it to envelop me, using the energy of fear to ignite a transformative flame of love-light within. This is the practice of transmutation I’d learned from Michael Singer’s teachings in his book “Living Untethered.”

I set an intention to listen to one of my favorite guided meditations by Jose Silva and Joe Dispenza, titled “Becoming Supernatural Alpha-Theta Meditation Mashup,” which is available on YouTube. This practice took me deeper into my heart, where I found a place of unparalleled peace and profound understanding. I began to visualize the work crew arriving at my home early the next morning, sensing the joy and excitement of receiving my gift from the Universe — a new roof.

The following morning the work crew, unaware of the change in plans, arrived at 7:00 am, just as I imagined, to replace our roof.

The roofing crew was indeed remarkable. Within just a few hours, they had removed half of my roof. However, they returned to my doorstep, explaining that they had mistakenly arrived at the worksite that day and would need to reschedule.

The prospect of leaving my house roofless was simply not an option. So, within minutes, the roofers were back to work, and the roofing company and I found a way to navigate the missing document.

For the next two days, as this energetic crew buzzed around my house, I experienced the same joy and excitement I had felt during my guided meditation the night before. I was living the very reality I had manifested in my visualization.

I not only discovered my manifesting superpower; I now know how to teach it to others, particularly my incredible African family.

I am certain the world is going to turn upside down when the first self-made African millionaires emerge from the depths of hell in the Kakuma Refugee Camp.

My story serves as a living testament to the undeniable power of manifestation. It’s about aligning our thoughts and feelings with our desires and allowing the universe to respond positively. It’s about transmuting fear into love, just as I did.

My Superpower of Manifestation

After years of practice, I’ve come to realize that manifestation is my superpower. It’s not merely about material possessions; it’s about shaping my life in a way that brings happiness and fulfillment. And when I manifest with this superpower, it’s not just for my own benefit; it’s for the betterment of the world.

A World of Aware Creators

Now, envision a world where every human being recognizes and harnesses their manifestation abilities. Picture a world where people operate from their unique genius, connected with their superpower of manifestation, thinking and living with an abundant mindset. The result? A planet teeming with positivity, joy, and excitement.

The power of manifestation resides within me, and it’s within you, too. It’s waiting to be unlocked. It’s not an illusion; it’s a practical tool for personal growth and global betterment. So, go ahead, dream big, align your thoughts with your desires, and start creating the life you truly want. After all, our superpower of manifestation is poised to make our dreams a tangible reality.


Embrace Your Superpower

As I conclude my journey through the realm of manifestation, I invite you to recognize the incredible superpower that resides within you. Manifestation is not a distant concept, but a living force that shapes our reality. I’ve shown you how it works in my life, and now it’s your turn to tap into this immense potential.

Join Our Daily Zone of Genius Meditation Circle

To help you harness your creative superpowers and manifest the magnificent life you are meant to live, I invite you to join our daily virtual Zone of Genius Meditation Circle. Together, we’ll unlock the transformative force of manifestation and create a world filled with abundance, positivity, and excitement. Don’t let your dreams remain dreams; make them a reality with the power of manifestation.

You will find a link to our meditation as well as all of our programs at

See you on the inside!



Martin (Kintu) Cowart

Martin is a life coach and manifesting mentor and mystic waking people up to the truth of who we are, the energy of unconditional love.