How to EatWell easy!

Blanca Martinez
3 min readJan 29, 2017


Imagine that you want to eat healthy, but (like most people) don’t know how and don’t have time to spend learn about this.

You sing in on the EatWell app, input some information about you, your habits and preferences, and the app suggest you a menu for next week, with the recipes for all the meals and the possibility to order all of ingredients that you will need to cook.

The brief I choose for my capstone project on Coursera HCI certification was Change: Design an app that help people to change their habits and get their life goals.

I really like healthy food, but I don’t have time to spend thinking about what cook every day, and go to the supermarket every week… I wanted to design a solution for this problem.

At first, I made a labor of investigation. ​I wanted to know more about how and why people buy their groceries, therefore, I observed how three different participants do their semanal shopping, and I asked them about why choose their products, and how of proud feel about their system and what they want to improve, for collect all their needs.

Besides, I searched inspiration of others apps about planning meals and shop groceries, and studied in a benchmark possible friends and rivals of this business.

Then, I made two storyboards with different point of view about the same problem, and I designed 2 paper wireframe with a possible solution.

Part of storyboard #1

Afterwards, a colleague from the project realized a Heuristic evaluation on my 2 prototypes. This exercise did gives me a lot of feedback to understand what worked well and what needed improve. Heuristic evaluations are very effective and useful, but after this, I think than it should do in a more elaborate state of the prototype, and not on a paper wireframe, where there are many high-level things that have not been defined yet.

With the results, I chose to design a mixture of the two previous prototypes, and I made a list of changes. Also I learn to made a development plan to keep track of time and state.

Changes results from heuristic evaluation

I started to design in digital medium with the knowledge acquired from previous steps, and prepared a interactive prototype in InVision tool to can be tested for other people.

The first tests were made with people in my environment (guerrilla test), asked them to play some tasks on the prototype and managed to find some friction points where users do not know very well how to perform tasks.

Participant testing the app prototype

With the results of this previous test, and the problems found, I designed two different solutions and I needed to know which one was better. Then I designed an A/B test to compare both prototypes (Option A and B).

I was surprised because was my first time using UserTesting tool and the participants give a lot of feedback, and is really interesting to know what they are thinking in each moment, it is really helpful!

Screenshot from a participant’s video testing

Finally, I analyzed all the information obtained in the tests and made a final design fixing the problems .

Here you have a video about the final result, I hope you like it!

Thanks for your time :)

