February Updates

Martin’s Monthly Mediu Mupdate

Martin French
11 min readMar 4, 2022


Hi Folks,

I am once again feeling like I can be happy with how things are going. I have three goals writing on Medium. First, to pay off what it costs to be here — I have been playing catch up having been in the doldrums for months at one point. Secondly it is an outlet for my writing that can reach a broader audience than friends and family, which gives them a break, and me a chance to see if there is a readership for what kind of things interest me — I always thought there should be (given there are nearly 8bn on the planet). Thirdly, it is a chance for me to hone my skill as a writer, to improve through setting myself targets and deadlines: not the end of the world if I fail to make them, but better for me that I at least try to get there.

Well, it seems to be going well on a number of fronts!

A graph showing the ups and downs of the reading for February — higher at the start, with a bit of a dip just before the end
A more eccentric looking graph this month — note how the middle of the month takes a dip in line with me having a show on stage. Screenie by author.

While numbers are down for this period, I had anticipated that with me having a play opening in the middle of the month (Feb 11th for those wanting to track such things, closing on the 20th), followed by a last minute lighting gig that came in on the 20th and swept through to the 23rd. I would say it is fair to say that the quality of my work in that period may have been weaker than usual, with some exceptions. The dynamic way the algorithm works…



Martin French

Martin French is a theatre practitioner from Ireland, currently living in Kentuckiana— director, writer, designer, occasional teacher. He/Him.