Remembering Grace Kelly

A happy-enough, Irish-enough memory

Martin French
8 min readJun 1, 2023


Four images of Grace Kelly — the bride, in blue; classic pose, in green; Her majesty the princess, in black and white; from High Noon, in peach
Four impressions of Grace Kelly. Tinkered with by author.

— Which is your favorite one?

— My favorite?

— Yes.

— My favorite Grace Kelly film?

— Yes!

Everything about the conversation has become intense, like my answer really matters, and that there will be consequences based on that answer. That last yes from the barista was just that little bit too forceful, and a couple is blankly and very independently looking at us, also like the answer might matter somehow. They themselves looked like they had abandoned couples therapy as it was too much work but ended up staying together anyway as divorce also sounded like it too much work. Have I accidentally stumbled into a song by Belle and Sebastian?

— Well? Which one?

I sense he is starting to get annoyed with me now. Why would someone in his early 20s be so imperious about the matter of favorite Grace Kelly films? Whatever else, it doesn’t look like I can drag it out any longer. I had better pick one.

I struggle not to say The Birds or North by Northwest. Grace Kelly in everything but person, not the real thing at all but tempting to say out of badness. I chew my tongue gently to prevent myself saying either. There…



Martin French

Martin French is a theatre practitioner from Ireland, currently living in Kentuckiana— director, writer, designer, occasional teacher. He/Him.