CoinMetro third Flash Sale in numbers

Martin Göpfert
1 min readFeb 4, 2018

The third CoinMetro Flash Sale was another gigantic success! I made me a note with the numbers:

Before the Flash Sale:
Contributed (EUR): 6,477,756.39
XCM sold: 79,909,149
Current XCM Price: 0.11
Contributors: 4365

After the Flash Sale:
Contributed (EUR): 7,497,023.21
XCM sold: 89,175,211
Current XCM Price: 0.11
Contributors: 4965

-> In the last 24 hours, at the third flash sale, more than 9.2 million coins were sold to 600 investors, that’s more than 386,000 sold coins per hour, or an average of ~1,700 € invested by each investor yesterday! :-) … Thats even more impressive as ETH-prices are down at the moment…

Edit: The next and FINAL XCM Token Flash Sale before the Main Token Sale will be on Wednesday, 14th February starting from 12:00 GMT till 0:00 GMT It will only last 12 hours!

-> Coinprice will stay at .11 € for the next ~10 Million Coins, than 100 Million Coins has been sold and the price will automatically switch to .12 € / Coin :-)

