Jun 17, 2024

Israel’s outrageous Middle East land grab.

Look at them there, swaggering all over the map!

What do you mean, “where”? There! Right in… Oh. Sorry. My mistake, it was just a little smudge on my screen. Let me have another look.

Hmm. I think it’s that tiny red dot in there. Somewhere. Hard to tell, really. My magnification doesn’t go any higher…

Anyway, those poor surrounded Islamic countries must be terrified. This is unacceptable! What do you need all that land for greedy Israel? Give it back! At least SHARE it. Look at poor old Saudi Arabia. Barely enough room to swing a cat. No wonder they have to ban half their population from driving cars. They don’t have enough room!

Anyway, come on, hand it over. What are you, the ONLY majority Jewish nation in the world or something?