Compact sharpener Work Sharp: everything an Amateur needs!


Hello folks. I’m here in, Ventura, California. A sunny day at the beach. Um, wishing you were here, but, um, tell you what, we’re going to show you, uh, actually one of the products that Work Sharp makes. Um, and so here we go.

It’s the guided field sharpener. Uh, it comes in a package like this. I … I’m not going to open the package, but I’m going to show you that, uh, you have lots of information here. Uh, I do want to point out it says, ‘Watch Demo’. If you, um, have a QR code reader on your smartphone you can watch this, or if you go to my website you can watch the video for the sharpener. It’s all set up there. And it’s the demo video from the company itself.

It’s a handy little sharpener because it’s, as you notice, not plugged into anything. It’s no electricity required. You can take it with you on your hunting or fishing or backpacking or into the woods, into the beach, wherever you go. Uh, it’s nice, it fits in your bag or your field pack, your day pack, or your pocket. Alright, and it handles a lot of stuff. It says on here you could do, um, your knives, your scissors, your serrated knives, fish hooks. You could do outdoor kitchen knives, you could do ax and shovel and all kinds of things. Um, so we’re going to show you a little bit of that, but okay, here we go.

Let’s take a knife. I’ve got a few here, but, uh, this is obviously an outdoor knife. Um, let’s pretend that it’s nicked or damaged. It’s not, but if it were, then you would want to start with this coarse diamond plate. As you notice on your sharpener, you’ve got coarse diamond and fine diamond, and then you’ve got this ceramic crock stick. It’s got a little red knob down here that you rotate, and it’s got different positions. It’s got … well, we’ll go into this, but on a knife that’s damaged you probably want to start with the coarse diamond plate. And you’ve got a 20 degree guide that says that’s a shoulder here.

So, let’s pretend we’re out at the beach and we need to sharpen this. So, we’re going to drop it down on that yellow, uh, shoulder and then draw the knife across like this. Into the tip. Into the tip. Into the tip. You notice I’m coming across keeping the blade itself in contact with the plate up into the tip. Right there, and then, we did five on that side let’s say. So, let’s do five on the opposite side of the knife. Drawing it across. Drawing it across. Drawing it across. There you go. Okay? So, what we’ve done is cleaned up that edge, tooken the nicks out and so forth. It does give it a bit of a rough edge.

So, um, so then we would next go to the fine diamond plate and do the same process. It’s much smoother. Um, in this case, you can either go five on the left and then five on the right, or you can alternate like I’m doing right now, and come back and forth and you’ll feel a total difference. It’s a much finer plate. And this is taking the knife sharper and removing the roughness that was created on the coarse plate. So, uh, this is your progression from finer, to finer, to finer grit. And you, again, keep that edge right in contact with the plate the whole time.

Got a helicopter going over. Sorry guys. Alright, and, uh, back there, back there. Now keep this up until it glides real smooth. Think of skating across a frozen pond, and when you can skate across smooth as silk, uh, then you’re ready to go to the next step. So, let’s do that. We’ll do a few more here. It’s starting to get really smooth. That means, uh, real sharp. And then we go over to the ceramic.

Now, it’s labeled on the end here, CF and then there’s a thing looks like a J, it’s actually a fish hook, but we’re going to go to the C, that’s coarse, um, and you can do this or you could just skip over this one. But here’s your shoulder again, now that was 20, this is 25 degrees. This sets the actual bevel for the cutting edge, and again, you’re going to go left and right, or you could do sets of five left, five right. But back and forth, I kind of like doing it this way, and you’ll feel it. Some roughness at first because you’re taking, again, that toothiness out that you created on the diamond plate, and bringing it right up into the tip. Right up into the tip. You see? Left and right until it glides real smooth again like you’re skating across that pond. Nice and smooth.

Okay, we got that now, and then we go and rotate this over to F, which is fine, and, uh, again, we’re going to go left, right, and this takes all the rest of the toothiness out of that edge. Keep it in contact with the ceramic here. Back and forth until it, it’s as sharp as you want it to be. Now, this is the, the step, the fine ceramic here, that will get the knife sharp. Now it might leave a little bit of a wire edge, it’s called, or slight bit of toothiness in the edge. Probably not much, but so then you flip it over to this side, and this is a leather strop. It’s got a little bit of polishing compound in it, and here you go in reverse.

The angle’s not as crucial, but stay in touch with that cutting edge. So you’re going to bring it up into the edge here, up into the edge. Up into the tip. Left, right, but go in reverse, you don’t want to be slicing into the leather. So, this is the opposite direction of what we were doing. Left and right. And this will put that final razor edge on a knife. You can actually get a shaving edge with this sharpener on a knife when you’re done.

Um, so at this point, um, it’s very, very sharp. Trust me. Uh, but that’s how you would do a blade like that. Um, now it’s got some other features. By the way it’ll work on outdoor kitchen knives or any knife like that. Um, folding knives, whatever, we got a few here.

Let’s, um, take this one. This one has serrations in it, and then we’ve got a bread knife here, a serrated knife as well. Okay, well you’ve got these ceramics and you got a little one up here. You got two different radiuses, a wide radius would be perfect for sharpening up this bread knife. You drop it on there on the serrated side and drop each serration into … onto that serra- that ceramic and just go back and forth a little bit on each one, and sharpen that knife up this way, okay?

And that’s proper for, for this knife. Um, on this one you’ve got smaller serrations and so your smaller section up here is perfect for that, back and forth, on each of these serrations. Yeah, and that’s how you would go about that. Some serrations are so small that this is even too big for it, but you can get most of them. Alright?

So, that’s a serrated knife. Um, this J thing looks like is a fish hook, and so your fish hooks you can hold and run them back and forth in these slots here, um, and get your fish hooks sharp. One of these is a little wider than the other, so you’ve got, like, two sizes of slots for fish hooks. Uh, but it’ll do a lot of other things as well. Um, if you watch the video that’s on the QR code or on the company site or on my website, you’ll see some of the other uses.

You could do a shovel, an ax, actually you could probably do a lawnmower blade with the coarse one. Um, but lots of things can be sharpened. Scissors, yes. Um, so check all that out, uh, there are instructions that come with this. I want you to … they’re rolled up in this little cute little thing there inside, in the secret storage compartment there. It’s got these magnet closures that hold that in place, and if you’re doing broad heads, that’s like bow, uh, arrow heads, you know, you’ve got your wrenches here for your three and four vein broad heads.

And so you can disassemble and reassemble them, uh, with those, uh, little wrenches, and then, uh, they are sharpened on the fine diamond plate here. You could just take each blade or sometimes you can’t take the blade off but you can still sharpen it on this plate. So even for the bow hunters, this is perfect.

Now, you can get replacement parts, new plates, um, new leather, uh, whatever you need from, that’s the company website, or I can get them for you if you want to call me. Okay?

But there you go. It’s an awesome little buy and, uh, it’s handy to have. You want to get one of these for all your friends and they make great Christmas and birthday gifts, so, um, they’re on my website is my website, thank you, um, so I appreciate any business you want to send my way. Um, and there you go.

Okay, I hope that was helpful and, um, back to the beach here. I’m not going to surf board today, but, uh, it’s a great day for it, I’ll tell you. Take care and stay sharp.

Read more about knife sharpeners here:

