Martin Luiga
2 min readMar 25, 2022



There are those among you that would have the people love me as they loved Dei, or at least as they still love her. This is only natural that you would want to share your love, even though I would ask you again and again to look into your hearts and ask whether it is truly me that you love or is it my office and the power it signifies.

You feel as if I was suffering *an injustice*. It is truly very common to suffer injustice. Would it seem less unjust to you if I had sided with the Party and played the part in their plan? Would that be more dignified?

They speak of Dei as if she was godly. It is not altogether unthinkable that she was a creature of some type — we would not think scientifically if we denied that there may be some things we do not know and cannot even rightly imagine, that things elude us, that we distort our own vision in order to refrain from seeing what we do not will to see. We however know her by the fruits of her labour. We live in the midst of them. Her main tools were information and charisma, which are rather mundane on their own.

She is said to tower over the Mundi innossence, El Nerra. We cannot, however, view them side by side, outside of their own time. Dei built on the foundation laid by the Mundi innossence. She would of course appear larger. Of the Perikarnassian we can surely say that there had to be somebody like that. We must know that our history is incomplete and largely unknown to us and that there are those that would willingly manipulate it and as with all knowledge of that type it cannot be grasped as a whole.

By the number of people for whom I am responsible, I am unsurpassed. It is my clear will that it should remain thus. It is indeed our minimum programme that it should remain thus.

A. Sola, LCQIV, undated

P. S. I know I said what type of creature she would be according to folk-lore. And great fun was had by all. But one should not take a private joke and turn it into a public matter. Firstly, it would endanger women, secondly, it is a centuries-old xenophobic trope, thirdly it is not the truth or at least we do not know it to be the truth. Now this is as if you were testing my patience. I think Alexander is making a poor use of his judgement just so he could see me undo that problem. To ‘go out and do something fun with the innossence’. It is worrying to see such immaturity in my closest circle. I know the situation we are in is almost unbearable, but only that which is hard is true and all we can do is help each other grow.

