Simple Ways to Fit Camping Into Your Crazy Busy Life

Victor Martin
4 min readJul 30, 2019

Do you like camping and still it remains in your To Do List? Don’t worry, you are not the only one. There are a lot of people who still want to do camping but they don’t get time to prepare for it. The main reason for this camping plans getting post pond is that you are not well prepared for camping.

Sometimes you don’t have the time for packing, sometimes campsites are not available and there can be any other reason. Apart from booking cheap airline tickets from websites like cheapbestfares, here are some simple ways with the help of which you can fit camping into your busy lives.

Following these simple ways, all you need to do is to book cheap plane tickets to your favorite camping destination. Want to know how? Let us see below.

Keep a Go Bag Ready

Many a times the camping plan made by our friends is so urgent that we do not have time to do packing. To avoid such situations, always keep a go bag ready with you so that if your friends call on a Friday evening and ask you for camping, you are ready with your bag.

In your bag, store the following: a backpacking tent, a sleeping bag, a sleeping mat, an inflatable pillow (or a soft down pillow that compacts well), a portable set of pots and pans, a small cast-iron skillet, a propane backpacking stove and extra propane, matches, cotton balls covered in Vaseline or oil, a small lantern, tin foil, a refillable water bottle, a spatula, a can opener, a mini bottle of dish soap, steel wool, and a quick-drying camp towel. These are basic things you need on camping so you should always be ready with them.

Find a Short Notice Campsite

Find a campsite which can be available in a short notice. Camping plans are sometimes not implemented because of lack of campsites. Find a campsite where camping can be done even on a very short notice. This will help you to a large extent for implementing your camping plans.

Rent Extra Equipment

If you don’t have everything you need, you have an option of renting the tent and some equipments. In this way, you don’t need to cancel your plans just because of lack of equipment. You can have a Google search for the nearest available stores keeping the camping stuff and you can buy the missing things even at the last minute.

Take Easy Meals

Keep a list of easy meal options so that whenever there is a camping plan, you know what eatables you need to buy from your near local general stores. Keep those things as a good option which are ready made or are made within 3–5 minutes. Still there are some things which you have to cook while camping. Cooking on fire won’t be easy but it is what camping is all about.

Open and Flexible Attitude

Apart from the above four, this one is the most necessary without which you can never get your camping plans implemented. You must have an open attitude for camping. It may happen that you are waiting desperately for a weekend to relax, but your friend calls for a camping plan.

You need to be flexible for these types of situations and open up for last minute plans. For booking last minute flight deals to your favorite destination, always choose Cheapbestfares which offers cheap international flights as well as domestic flight deals.



Victor Martin

I am 23 years old and I am a graduate in Literature. Personal hobbies include reading, writing, a bit of photography and snorkeling.