Social Media Post Analysis

Martin Peterson
2 min readJan 20, 2019


For this assignment I chose to analyze the social media post associated with The Sound of Priceless media campaign by MasterCard

1 What is the main purpose of the post?

In 2016 the Chicago Cubs finally made it into the World Series, the first time in the past 71 years. Master Card who was a sponsor of Major League Baseball used this opportunity to be a part of this historic event. Following the SeaScape of Zeitgeist Principle the company played off a comment made by the member of an opposing team that Cub’s fans, “Can’t cheer any louder, its not like it is a loud stadium to begin with”. Cubs fans of course took issue with the comment. Master Card built a mobile app to measure the actual decibel levels at Wrigley Field.

2 Who is the audience for the post?

The audience is anyone who turned in to the World Series.

3 How does the post connect with the audience?

The ad was able to play on the fact that everyone, not just Cub’s fans was tuned into the World Series and wanted to be involved in the conversation. It also took advantage of the fact that history was in the making because it had been 71 years since the Cubs had been in the World Series.

4 What value does the post provide to their audience?

The main value provided to the audience was their ability to track the noise level in the stadium during the game. It also allowed the fans to see how engaged they were during key moments of the game.

5 How does the post’s design connect and communicate with the audience?

The post contained a link for fans to download a mobile app that measured the noise level of the crowd. People were also able to participate in a conversation about a game 71 years in the making. The ad focused on peoples desire to rout for the under dog. Cub’s Fans were determined to prove to people that not only could they win in being the loudest stadium but they could also win the World Series.

6 What metrics (likes, shares, re-tweets, etc.) will be used to determine if the ad is successful?

The campaign received 527K views and became Master Card’s most retweeted and shared video. The organic reach was double the companies average coming in at 18%.

