how many generations of computers are there — fifth generation in English

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4 min readAug 17, 2020


HomeGenerations Of Computershow many generations of computers are there — fifth generation in English

Introduction : The changes that have taken place from the early computer to the present day modern computer based on computer technology are known as generation. There are five major generations of computers. Which are as follows.

  1. First generation
  2. Second Generation
  3. Third Generation
  4. Fourth Generation
  5. Fifth generation

1. First generation : “ Vacuum Tube “ ( 1942–1955 ) :

The period from 1942 to 1955 is said to be for the first generation of computers. The “Vacuum Tube” (valve) was used in the manufacture of computers in this generation.

The size of this Vacuum Tube is usually very large. An estimated 18,000 tubes were used, making the size of the computer so large and so large that it took up a lot of space.

It took a lot of power to turn on this type of computer. In addition, computers in this generation produced a very large amount of heat. Due to which such computers were kept in large cold rooms. It took about 52 minutes to turn on this generation computer. This generation of computers could not be upgraded once a program was written. The following computers were created during the first generation of computers.


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2. Second Generation : Transistors ( 1955–1964 ) :

The period from 1955 to 1964 is said to be no for the second generation of computers. During this period a solid state device known as a transistor was created inside the Bell laboratory by scientists named “ William B. Shockley”. It was discovered. The size of the transistor was much smaller than that of a vacuum tube.

The transistor has the property of heating rapidly at low voltage pressures. So instead of a vacuum tube, transistors were used. Using a transistor, the size of the computer was almost halved compared to the first generation computer.

IBM-1404, IBM-1000, UNIVAC-III type computers were manufactured by IBM Company in this box.

3. Third generation: Integrated circuit (1964 to 1975)

The period from 1964 to 1975 is said to be for the third generation of computers. During this time, advances in technology made it possible to integrate a solid state device and a different component together on a silicon metal chip called an integrated circuit [ IC ]. IC has greatly reduced the size of the computer.

Due to IC, the size of the computer was much smaller than the first and second generation computers. It was large enough to be placed on a small table.

The following computers were developed during the third generation. IBM-360, IBM-370, Barrogh — 5700–6700–7700.

4. Fourth Generation : Large Scale Integration (1975 to 1985)

E. Q. The period from 1975 to 1985 is said to be for the fourth generation of computers. During this time semi-conductor technology was gradually evolving. This made it possible to integrate large-scale, large-scale electronic circuits. This is known as Large Scale Integration [ LSI ].

Due to LSI, the size of the computer is now very small compared to the three generations, which is small enough to put a small tripod on the table.

Powerful packages like Dbase, Wordstar, Lotus were created during this period. The following computers were built during this generation.

IBM PC Series, Apple Series, Intel 4004 etc.

5. Fifth generation (after 1985):

It is said that it would be possible to think like a fifth generation computer man. This generation of computer will make any decision on its own.

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