Marus Kablik
Published in
1 min readDec 25, 2017

Finance: A position that does not irritate

Brief description: A private bank introduces its new product, investition deposit with a lyrical dance.

Bank advertisements are usually directed at a broad population; however this is not the case with J&T Bank — a private bank whose position was always somewhat provocative. Emotion metrics can tell if an ad is irritating for a certain audience. It seems that the controversial time is over for this once risque company. An analysis of the emotional response of a population sample did not show any signs of anger when the brand or proposition were presented. This lack of response might, however, be seen as a lost opportunity. Since the ad did not arouse any emotions, it won’t stir up any debate or discussion among people.

Go to the next case study about right emotions at the right time in Nonprofit.



Marus Kablik

Content and Communication at Emotion ID, Researcher in the field of Applied Psychology, Strategist at Leo Burnett Slovakia