Marvin Dutton
3 min readFeb 4, 2020

I miss you Kobe Bryant by Marvin Dutton

An entire week has gone by since the untimely passing of Basketball Legend Kobe Bryant Aka “The Black Mamba”. When the news broke I was in the gym trying to get my 35 year old body back into basketball playing shape. My brother Marteik Daughtry who is possibly Kobe’s biggest fan sent a text message stating, “Kobe died in a helicopter crash!”. My response was “yea right it’s only TMZ reporting.” I proceeded to do more exercises before reading a tweet from respected NBA Analyst Brian Windhorst. “Man, this is real…..unbelievable”, I said to myself as tears began to roll down my eyes. “How? Why? This just doesn’t make any sense”. I texted Marteik back noting that our basketball debates will “never be the same”. That’s because Marteik and I had an ongoing debate on whether Kobe or Lebron was the greatest basketball player of all time. I’d point to the numbers and he’d point to Kobe’s skills. But both of us ignored the mentality that put Kobe above the fray “The Mamba Mentality”.

News then broke that Kobe’s daughter Gigi was among the 9 passengers who experienced this horrific tragedy. “Not Gigi, she’s only a baby”. I began to selfishly think of my own children who shares the same years on earth age 13 and 14. Gigi had so much to give the world and was beginning a great legacy of her own. Heartbroken and ashamed to show it, I stayed in the house for the next few days filled with grief over people with whom I’ve never met personally. I watched my NBA heroes cry on national air waves while telling anecdotal stories of the great Kobe Bryant. I watched every interview and reverted back to when Kobe played in the Philadelphia Suburbs. “See son he played here in your gym, you can become anything you want to be with hard work”. “Promise not to cheat this sport” I said with tears rolling down my eyes.

Since last week I’ve been in a state of disbelief. It’s as if I’ve fell into a make believe dimension where Kobe Bryant no longer exists. A dimension that is void of his genius, elegance and words of wisdom. A dimension that is void of Gigi’s bright smile and smooth fadaway. They will be missed.

Social Media Post: Day of the Tragedy

I think Kobe’s unfortunate accident reminds us all of our certain mortality. The Death of his pride and joy Gigi reminds us of the mortality of our children. They too will expire and descend to the earth…..None of us will live forever. We can’t predict our death date or how it will happen. It’s an appointment that we cannot cancel. We can only control how we live and who we spend our most precious moments with. I love the sport of basketball. From playing to coaching and mentoring the youth. The sport gave me everything. It helped me to dream of a brighter future beyond the grips of my reality. Today hoopers and non hoopers all feel a void that will always be there. Kobe gave everything to the sport. We watched and continuously debated whether he was #1 to ever play the game. The debate is over. His life will serve as a testimony for generations to come. He is legend. God bless you Kobe.

RIP Kobe, Gigi and all of the other passengers.