Photo by Alora Griffiths on Unsplash

A gym plan. The following week.



Tomorrow I’ll go to back to the gym.

My relationship with the gym is good. I started going after a friend recommended it to the whole group of friends. That was in 2021 and a subset of my group of friends and I were almost daily to the gym. After some time all of them moved gyms or left it. I went alone but already knew lots of friends there. That gym, my first-one was about 20 minutes away from home. The monthly cost of that gym was $10 excellent price and the community was amazing. Gym itself was a garage. There was only one very rusted set of 15 pound dumbbells. That is the state that gym was at. But amazing for $10. I worked out there for almost 2 years. Progress was good, the life changing kinda good.

When uni got non-virtual again going to the gym got harder and when I started working and studying it got even worse. I stopped going to gym #1 and switched to the company’s gym. It was very practical and free, my favorite price! That gym was the most clean thing ever. Amazing, but there were no barbells and I made the decision to go daily but only 15 minutes. No need to say I lost all the gains. Pretty pretty bad, but I mean was studying and working, was a hard time for me. I spent like 3/4 of a year there.

After that, starting this year I got into gym #3. I found it like 7 or 9 minutes away from home it was also a garage, but definitely better than the first-one everything was taken care of properly and the price was not bad. It was $15. At gym #3 I didn’t perform as expected but gotta say to be fair, that for some time I got into a very positive trend. But sadly could not perform as expected. Life, traffic, other projects, and laziness obviously got in the way. This gym #3 was good for $15. And then they raised the monthly payment to $17 plus it was getting harder and harder for me to go to the gym after a long and traffic-heavy ride back home from work. Now I believe I have not worked out in like 2 months. It is noticeable.

Tomorrow I will start gym #4. It is located at like 3 minutes from work. And I’ll go after my shift is done. The reasoning is that instead of wasting time on traffic I will work out, and after that, commute back home in a hopefully less busy street, arriving home earlier saving time and even working out which is much needed. New gym is $25 but I think is worth it. That gym is regard by many one of the best gyms in my country so we will see. The plan is to start going 3 weeks. Document everything and keep going.

So wish me good luck. I will be updating my journey as always. Thank you so much for reading. Have a wonderful day or night. Read you later.

