It is the perfect storm! (AI, Cloud, Bots, IoT…etc.)

Marwan Tarek
2 min readOct 11, 2016


I am sure everyone who is close enough to technology notices how fast the technology is changing the face of the world. There are a lot of buzz words flying around by most of the vendors who are trying lead the market, just to name few (the most famous)


Internet of Things (IoT)

Artificial intelligence (AI)

Machine learning


Data science

Big Data


I get comments from people saying with always had Artificial Intelligence so what’s new? we always could connect to devices and get data from sensors so what’s new?!

Personally, I developed an artificial intelligence based intrusion detection system to detect software attacks, and it was using neural networks. This is was part of a software project in the university years ago.

So What’s new?

In my opinion, it is the perfect storm. A lot of tools and capabilities are available now that was hard to get before and thanks to the “Consumerisation of IT”.

Currently, everyone of us holds a device in his hand all the time (mobile), this device generates and contains a huge amount of data, it has GPS capabilities and always connected. Internet connection is now a commodity and available everywhere. Thanks to the cloud computing power and storage are available at any time 24x7 and cost almost nothing.

When all of these factors gets together then you can connect to any device and analyse data in the cloud all the time using high computing power to build a machine learning algorithms.

Previously, all these components were fragmented and the barrier to entry was very high.

What we are seeing now is the perfect storm. All these components and much more are coming together, the biggest vendors in the world are investing billions of dollars in these different technologies. I don’t see this stopping here. Systems will get smarter, more connected and we will get close to data. Data required for decision making will be obsolete and we will have access directly to the “Decision” at our finger tip — no need to make a decision!

‘Partnership on AI’ formed by Google, Facebook, Amazon, IBM and Microsoft | Technology | The Guardian

AI Is Not the Future, It’s the Present

Samsung acquires Viv, a next-gen AI assistant built by the creators of Apple’s Siri

Siri-creator shows off first public demo of Viv, ‘the intelligent interface for everything’



Marwan Tarek

#UK Practice #Manager #PublicSpeaker - Tweets are personal views