Validator’s media platforms: Our way of communicating with people.

by Aphroditi Geronimaki Mary Iakovidi

Validator is a company that enables its users to “find out what’s valid” as far as the Highway code and public transportation is concerned. Our company’s goal is to clarify the truth for specific questions that people have on everyday matters, concerning the topics mentioned above, and for which it is more common to find hoaxes around the internet rather than the truth. Through our company the users can get to know their rights and what’s valid based on the law.

This article is about our reaching out to possible users, the kind of channels we use in order to inform people about our company and our attempt to engage with people. It is an analysis of each channel that we use and the reasons we chose them besides communicating with people and making them aware of our company’s existence.


We created our own application in which people can find special categories concerning the Highway code and public transportation. These categories give our users the chance to navigate and find exactly what they want more easily. Each category has its own subcategories which will include the most frequently asked questions for the users’ convenience.

Validator’s app


Facebook is one of the most popular social media so creating our own facebook page means that we will be able to find possible users. It also gives us the opportunity to make our company a widely known one so as for people to realize the already existing need for such a “tool” and the fact that our company meets this need completely.

Validator’s Facebook Page


Twitter is mostly used by businesses which want to advertise themselves. This is the reason we created our twitter account as it serves our purpose which is both being advertised as a company and it also gives us the chance to summarize the content of our app and what it can offer to users. The fact that in twitter people are supposed to write very few words is excellent for us, as we want to provide our followers with the absolutely necessary information especially people who are on a hurry to get the answer they need.

Validator’s Twitter account


Our Instagram account gives us the opportunity to be in touch with the younger generation of people who use Instagram on an everyday basis. In our instagram account people can find photos related to the content of the site and the app with links in the description box to follow the story in our main channels. Through Instagram we can also organize projects in which users could post photographs using specific hashtags.

Validator’s instagram account


Our site enables users to search for the answers they need exactly as our application does. The difference between our application and our site is that the latter also will includes a blog in which specific matters will be analyzed and there will also be fun facts concerning incidents. More specifically the blog will have posts that are trying to resolve or answer any questions that were not answered with our main entries. The site also includes all our information and links to all our channels.

Site’s Homepage

Our company comes to meet a need that most people may have not even realized that exists. The fact that everyone has access to the internet helps in numerous ways but providing people with valid and truthful information is not one of them. In nowadays’ ocean of hoaxes, our company helps people find out everything they need to know about their rights and how to react in specific incidents as far as the Highway code and public transportation are concerned.

For more information contact us in our e mail address

