COVID-19 Testing

Mary McQuilkin, NP, MPH
2 min readApr 27, 2020


Circle Medical offers both testing to detect current COVID-19 infection and antibody testing. See below for resources to help you understand COVID-19 testing and stay healthy during the pandemic.

The latest turnaround times for COVID-19 test results, as of September 8, 2020:
- Test for current infection (swab): 1–2 business days.
- IgG antibody (blood) test for immune response to past infection: 2–5 days.

What to expect from the new self-swab COVID-19 testing experience:

Overview of the two general types of COVID-19 tests (testing for current versus past infection), and why caution is needed when acting on results:

part I
part II

Also see blog post An Explanation of the Risks & Benefits of Screening Tests

If you want to walk through the math used to calculate positive and negative predictive values (used to answer the question, “My test result was positive, how likely is it that I actually have COVID-19?”) watch this:

COVID-19 Resources

Have more questions about COVID-19?

Please schedule an appointment to discuss any personal questions or concerns.

Protect yourself and others by continuing to practice social distancing:

- Wear a mask whenever you go outside.
- Avoid unnecessary travel and gatherings.
- Stay 6 feet away from anyone you don’t live with.
- Wash your hands frequently with soap and water or hand sanitizer.
- Keep your surroundings clean. Clean surfaces you share with others such as door knobs, kitchen, and bathroom surfaces (or any other object that people could sneeze or cough on), with bleach or another disinfectant. Wash your hands after cleaning the area.

- If you have symptoms, stay home away from others for 12 days from the first day you started feeling sick, or until you have been feeling well and have not had a fever for at least 2 days.

Call 911 or go to the ER if you have severe shortness of breath that makes it difficult to carry on a conversation at rest, are unable to eat or drink fluids for more than 2 days, faint or repeatedly feel like you are going to pass out.

