A comprehensive report on my first in-person attendance at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon 2023 Europe

Maryam Tavakkoli
11 min readMay 7, 2023

Background: My journey with Kubernetes

I am originally from Iran. I moved to Finland in 2017 to pursue my master’s studies in a program called EIT Digital Master School and in the Cloud Computing study track. After finalizing my credits in different subjects and conducting various course projects, I was still confused about my main interest and potential focus for my future career path. But confusion could be a good challenge for learning! So, in early 2019, I started searching for thesis positions, which matched my area of interest. I was lucky enough to find a great research team at Nokia Bell Labs, where I was given a problem to solve, but I was free to choose my solution path. So, with that flexibility in hand, I looked around and at the end of the day, I came across containerization, docker, and ultimately Kubernetes as the hot topics of the day. These technologies were fascinating enough for my mind to keep me busy for the next ten months until when I graduated defending my thesis with the title “Analyzing the Applicability of Kubernetes for the Deployment of an IoT Publish/Subscribe System” (You will find the link to my thesis in the documentation repository of both universities that I graduated from, Aalto and TU Delft).



Maryam Tavakkoli

Senior Cloud Engineer | Building scalable infrastructure solutions in the cloud | Passionate about DevOps and cloud-native applications.