Lesson from The Evil Genius

2 min readOct 26, 2019


I recently watched “The Evil Genius” a 4-episode documentary series about the famous bank rob in Erie, Pennsylvania; which is a famous FBI case (usually mentioned as “pizza bomber” or “collar bomb” case). The case itself was sophisticated and still, after over 10 years of the incident, still many questions remained unanswered.

In short, it was about a pizza-delivery guy, called “Brian Wells”, that one day walked into a bank to rob it with a bomb attached to his neck. The crime plot was quite complex and I am not going to talk about it to spoil the story. But you can find a good report of it here or just watch the documentary on Netflix.

Photo of Brian Wells among other characters involved in the case narrative.
Photo of Brian Wells among other characters involved in the case narrative.

What struck me most though (apart from the plan and the main players in the crime), was one point: Brian was not some random guy the crime team had chosen for plan. He was specifically chosen for his role as a victim. And guess how they had found him suitable for this role? Through a woman, he got sexual service from (more specifically his favorite sex worker whom he helped a lot).

So it made me think, I have always been very careful about people I hang out with. But I had never thought about people I get services from being able to harm me in this way! Human relationships are so complex, that your friends of friends, or friends of your service providers also can harm you before you even realize it. But what can we do about it except paying more attention to where we walk in and out, because even places we step in, and their general customer types, can decide the probable incidents that could happen in our lives (good or bad). Probability, probability, probability!

