Cholera Causes, Symptoms, Prevention and Treatment

imc hospital
Jan 17, 2023


When the Vibrio cholerae bacteria infects the intestines, it results in the acute diarrheal sickness known as cholera. People may become ill if cholera bacteria are found in food or drink.
Cholera in Pakistan
Cholera is endemic in Pakistan, where an epidemic is defined as a case that has been independently verified in a laboratory. Between January and May of 2022, when 234 laboratory-confirmed cases are estimated to be reported, the incidence of cholera in Sindh province is expected to considerably rise.
Cholera Symptoms
Symptoms of cholera may appear right away after infection or up to five days later. Mild symptoms are typical. They can, however, occasionally be very serious. Among infected individuals, one in twenty get severe vomiting and watery diarrhoea, which can quickly result in dehydration.
Here is the Cholera Causes, Symptoms, Prevention and Treatment at Imc Hospital.

