A Best Practice Guide for RDF Server Users

Maryam Sajjadian
2 min readJul 1, 2023


In this article, I will explain the best practices to ensure proper access to functionality of the SPARQL service. Specifically, I will address two issues: querying multiple sources in an RDF graph, also known as query federation, and problems with update queries. These problems are related to the datasource settings and the best practices for connecting using Wallet. I will also explain how you can connect to the RDFServer using Wallet.

  1. Ensure that you have the latest version of Oracle SQL Developer installed on your system.
  2. Prior to proceeding, make sure you have installed the Oracle Windows 19c client. You can download it from the following link: https://www.oracle.com/database/technologies/oracle19c-windows-downloads.html. The file you need is WINDOWS.X64_193000_client.zip. Here are some tips for the installation process:

>>After unzipping the installer, ensure that there are no directories with spaces in their name in the full path to setup.exe. If the installer close immediately without displaying any error messages. There is a problem with spaces.

>>Choose the custom installation option and only select “Advanced Security” from the component list.

3. Unzip the downloaded ADW wallet.

4. Open a Windows shell and navigate to the directory where the ADW wallet is located.

5. Identify the name of the ADW service you want to use from the tnsnames.ora file. For example, let’s assume we’re using adb5_low. Please Note: If you want to achieve high performance when exporting data graphs, use adb5_high

6. Run the following command in the Windows shell to create the credentials using mkstore:

C:\app\client\maria\product\19.0.0\client_1\bin\mkstore -wrl . -createCredential adb5_low RDFUSER password12345

7. Once you have created the credentials, select all the individual files and zip them up. Now, your wallet is ready to be used in RDF Server.

Note, if you have problem again with update functions check and drop the datatype indexes. Perhaps you need to purge your Network once too.

EXECUTE SEM_APIS.PURGE_UNUSED_VALUES(flags => 'PARALLEL=4', network_owner=>'RDFUSER', network_name=>'RDF_NETWORK');

