3 min readOct 15, 2021

Why do the rich countries keep getting richer and the poor countries keep getting poorer:

This question might arise in the minds of so many people. That is why developing or underdeveloped countries despite striving so hard are not able to reach the status of developed countries but instead keep on getting down. Their economic situation is getting worse with each passing day, unemployment, poverty, hunger is rising in these countries. Despite being rich in natural resources and energy resources they are unable to get profit from it.

Let's answer these queries. The major reason for this increasing inequality is exploitative capitalist/ corporate systems. Which has created classes in societies both at national and international level.

Globalization is paving the way for this capitalist class to dominate and rule. This exploitative phenomena is not new. It is practiced in agrarian societies where feudal lord's exploit the peasants. Then when the industrial revolution came the industrialists, businessmen started exploiting the workers. When the era of voyages took place the developed countries made developing countries their colonies and started exploiting their resources and abuse of services took place like Britain did in the sub-continent.

And now a new form of colonialism has taken place in the form of this new international structure. The international organizations IMF, World Bank, UNO, EU, WTO by name are well wisher of all the countries, created to maintain peace and cooperation among countries but the other side is totally different they are serving the few capitalists.

The policies of IMF, WB and WTO are clear indications of being run by few Hands. Let’s make it easy with the example of Pakistan. Pakistan is rich in agriculture and most of the portion of GDP is dependent on agriculture. We are one of the major producers of sugar, cotton and rice in the world. Now as we have been under the IMF debt tarp,they are directing our national policies. Last year we had enough sugar that was enough for the whole population and can be exported but on the dictation of the IMF we are bound to export it at wrong time and at less prices in the international market which had created a sugar crisis in the country and then we had to import it at high prices from another country.

On the dictation of the IMF government impose high taxes, remove subsidies, privatize institutions, decrease the value of rupee. After these policies how can a country be able to survive this will lead it to the brink of destruction.

Let’s take the example of African countries. WTO imposes restrictions on the export of roasted coffee. Coffee is being frequently grow in Africa but WTO restricts them on selling roasted coffee and that they can only export coffee beans and then a country like Germany roast those coffee beans and sell it at high rates back to Africa. This is how they are exploiting the resources of other countries.

Nestle company in Lahore extracted underground water without paying any taxes and then filtered our water and sold it back with huge prices in our country.

Another reason would be the elite corrupt class ruling the under developed country. serving their own interests, launder the public's money and make bank accounts in the foreign banks and buy foreign properties. The famous wikileaks, Panama papers is the clear example of it, exposing corrupt politicians , military officials and business tycoons.

Would appreciate it if my readers share their views regarding this rising inequality among developed and under developed countries.